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Is ESO Screwing with the TES Lore


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The creatures in the screenshot remind me of the serpent people mentioned in one of the lore books. It's so long ago that I can't remember what they were called. One of them who was an advisor to the Septrim of the time arranged the death of the Septrims son while travelling through marsh areas then the murder of the Septrim using the Night Mother. Edit: He then became Regent.


One ot the place screenshots looked like a more modern version of the Morrowind Crabshell but with water nearby???? Perhaps we are going back into the past.

Edited by Roscaria
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The snake people are Lamia, the other creature pictures look like armored trolls. Yes, ESO changed the look of both from other TES games and I personally prefered the look of Skyrim's trolls but I am enjoying playing ESO quite a bit.

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