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Auto virus download from the nexus?


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Only started using nexus today and getting this problem, using chrome and in south east UK

Thankfully hasn't managed to get the exe to download as virus scanner stops it every time

Hope your ad people get it sorted out asap - seems like a great site

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Can people confirm their locations please? State/county + Country would be most ideal. Or just country if you're really worried about sharing your location in public.


I'm in Greece right now and I have friends in Glasgow constantly refreshing the site trying to get this virus and none of us can reproduce it. It seems like the ad is localised in some way. Made evident by the fact only a handful of people are reporting it rather than everyone who uses the site.

im in Glasgow and im getting it. Posted pics and info in your virus warning thread. Not its not my pc as was suggested to me when i went in chat for advice.

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yeah im getting it as well,im in Southampton GB,thought my pc was infected but after i gave my whole pc a full scan with avast,malwarebytes and hitman pro my pc's clean,when i try searching for a mod it comes up redirected me or something like that and proceeds to download thankfully malwarebytes blocks it,thanks for trying to fix the issue Dark0ne,much appreciated

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A look around the internet shows a lot of sites - not just ours, are being hit by this piece of crap. Mostly seems to be hitting England and parts of Europe right now, but I did see one in Canada - on a chess site. They seem to be hitting game sites quite a bit.

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I have informed our current advertising chain about it. There have been far too many of these getting through their filters recently which has been one of the main reasons I have cancelled my current contract with them and have signed up with a new partner who will, hopefully, be a lot more careful with the inventory I give them.

Dark0ne to the rescue!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, i've been gone for a long time ^^'' Just wanted to mention i'm having this happen again :/ it doesn't auto download, or atleast i stopped it quik enough, from what i could see before i hit the panic button and escaped, it seemed to be a virus disguised as a firefox update.

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I'm going to strongly recommend noscript and noredirect browser addons for firefox and Chrome. Noscript will allow you to configure what scripts can and cannot be executed in your browser, which is very important for ones security. Just my two cents on this matter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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