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After 8hrs of trying, I'm about to give up! CTDs just keep happening!


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I haven't been 100% thorough in catching up so if this was mentioned and I missed it please forgive me. The most common causes of CTD's on a PC are the result of memory mismanagement, the so-called 3.1GB cap. There are two tools designed to do away with most of that. Namely Sheson's memory patch and ENBoost by Boris. What I would do is check out the Skyrim Stability Guide in detail and do everything it says, paying particular attention to your enblocal.ini. Then I'd head over to Ewi's ini's and pick an ini for your rig. High is an awesome config but I, myself, can't run Ultra without some unpleasant stuttering. It's for cards like the gtx780 or those thrice blessed folks that can run Skyrim with Crossfire or SLI without getting horrific microstutter. In any case, the memory management within SKSE, the VRAM management within ENBoost, and a properly configured set of ini files (make sure you look over them yourself and adjust accordingly, and no, using ENBoost does not mean you are using an ENB, so tweak accordingly. Don't worry Ewi's instructions (within the inis) are fairly clear.)


I think that's it. Good luck.


Ok, so I've followed the Skyrim Stability Guide and Ewi's ini's as suggested. I haven't started up the game yet because I want to use the graphical features of ENB. I was considering using RealVision but was curious if you had any other suggestions before I do so? I know that I will need to read the RealVision guide and install it with the other suggested mods. I just wanted to get any thoughts you might have before doing so.


I'm open to suggestions from other users as well!

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