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Oblivion Load Order Dilemma


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I've ran into a dilemma loading up TES4Edit, stating Oblivion [sI] is loading before other esms...


I am using a Bashed Patch at the very bottom.


Is there a way I can fix this?








Edited by vance987
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Use BOSS to help sort out the load order more efficiently. Or you could manually put Oblivion.esm to the TOP of the list using OBMM.


BOSS: http://boss-developers.github.io/


EDIT: I see you're using LOOT. I still stick with BOSS since:

1.) LOOT is BOSS beta 3. Emphasis on beta.

2.) LOOT messed up my load order big time, so I went back to using BOSS, which is IMHO perfect.


Hope this works!

Edited by Operative85
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