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Any interest in far more powerful magic items, but very rare and mostly carried by bosses?


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Because I play on Legendary difficulty I always find myself enchanting everything to max health in order to survive at later levels and end up with 1000+ health

But as you can imagine this gets boring very quickly as I'm always super powerful from the start


And if I don't, the items I find can't match those you can make and dying becomes very easy



Then it struck me just how rare magical items are in fantasy movies Ect


So I came up with an idea, if I were to double the effectiveness of magic items (80 Fire damage instead of 40, fortify health 140 instead of 70 ect)


But make magic items extremely rare, so you would find maybe 1-2 every 5 dungeons instead of the usual 10+ you can find in a single dungeon


In addition the bosses such as bandit bosses and vampires (who shouldn't be wearing robes after hundreds of years, you would have though they would have massed some magic items)

These bosses would be more likely to be equip with a powerful item such as a magic weapon that would likely kill most players in a couple of hits


Of course it wouldnt be too Overpowered as enchanting would make similar level items anyway, this is more for those that want to go out there searching for things instead of making their enchanting skill to 100 and making themselves a god in 30mins



Edited by thelonewarrior
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