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Darkspawn reproduction


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I know darkspawn are all gestated by Broodmothers, but err, how does happen? Like... how does Momma Broodmother conceive her darkspawn children? I don't believe the writers explained this one.


Does she just naturally spawn children by herself somehow, meaning that darkspawn reproduce asexually? Or is she something like a queen bee or a queen ant, where many of her "drones" mate with her and help her produce her vast numbers of offspring? I hope that makes sense, lol.


Does anyone have any theories?

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I take it you never got the the part where that is somewhat explained.. captured women of the 3 races are brutally raped.. repeatedly.. fed that darkspawn stuff..and if after all this they actually survive... it changes them mentally and physically.. and from then on.. I gather from the repeated matings .. they are impregnated much in the fashion of a queen bee or ant.. once mated successfully they pour out fertile eggs by the thousands for the rest of their life. that's a BIG if tho.. I got the impression that thousands of women are dragged down into the underdark.. and only a handfull of them ever survive this process.. it would be a horrific way to die.. and an even more horrific thing to survive..
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Ooops, I'm stupid. I guess I should really start doing more reading and sidequest and stuff.. either that or somehow I missed something. I've completed the game several times now but I don't remember seeing that explained anywhere... darn :sad:


thank you for explaining that to me! So they ARE kind of like queen ants then... well that seemed most likely explaination to me.


So the darkspawn... rape, have sex with them, while they're still "normal"?? Oh God. Didn't know the darkspawn even possessed sexual organs! That's scary!

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It is the rhyme that you hear while in the deep roads Lehcar, it is rather creepy to listen to, but most people ignore it. I paid close attention since my favourite rhyme is "1, 2, Freddy's coming for you, 3, 4, better lock your door, 5, 6, get a crucifix, 7, 8, you better stay up late, 9, 10, never sleep again" all sang with a small girls voice.
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Look at it this way...... kinda wish in a way they made it even more clear to your character depending on gender...


Say you are a Male Warden.... your female followers are unaware.. but soon you learn... it chills you to the bone and you grimly set to even if it means your death protect the woman/women in your party... they notice you are acting oddly.. more protective than normal.. and always watching them... kinda gives them the creeps.. so they demand an explanation why you are acting like a nutcase all the sudden... you relent and explain what you have learned... your female party members are now frightened.. understandably... and then things progress from there.... now with a more driving imperative.. protect and defend these women who mean soo much to you now..


You are a female Warden.. Alistair keeps looking at you pensively.. a worried look on his brow... he keeps finding stupid reasons to stay close to you.. even when you bathe.. you keep catching him looking in your direction.. at first you think he's just trying to see you naked... but every time you catch him looking.. his face is wrought with obvious worry... for you?? why??

You demand finally to know what the devil is wrong with him... why he's acting soo weird and creepy..finally he explains what he's just recently learned about the underdark.. and the Darkspawn.. especially what happens to the female captives... you are now marked by them.. they hunt you relentlessly.. you already have survived their taint... for them.. now... as you are... it would be almost certain if you fell into their hands.. you would be brutalized.. and turned into a brood queen.. the thought chills you to the bone ... and a new and more urgent fear to end this blight grips your heart like an icy talon...

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It has been mentioned in Codex entries and elsewhere (mostly through Hespith) that Broodmothers are formed from kidnapped women of the four known races. When caught, they are forced to eat the flesh of their kind (presumably simply to keep them alive) and darkspawn blood/body parts (I assume to turn them into ghouls). Men, when this happens, simply become ghouls and eventually die of the taint. Women, however, most often die from the taint. Sometimes, they survive, and they become twisted masses of flesh, called broodmothers, that give birth to thousands of darkspawn within their lifetime.


The sexual reproduction part of it is not mentioned. I assume Bioware thought it too macabre to include details on what impregnates the Broodmother. From what I can gather, however, it seems that genes play no part, as every Hurlock looks the same, likewise with Shrieks, Ogres and Genlocks. Maybe they reproduce asexually.

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There must be some other way of making darkspawn though because of the Dalish origins story with Tamlen. He's in the process of becoming a shriek, so I would think being born as a darkspawn is not the only way. It seems to be similar to Lord of the Rings and their orc manufacturing plant. Of course they are made of different resources but I still would think the races of Ferelden can be turned into darkspawn without being born as one.
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