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Requesting a lovely abode, details inside.


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Unfortunately, I'm really picky. All of the houses/castles/abodes/lodges/etc and whatnot have been great, but it's always missing a few too many things.


If only I could strip parts of each design and incorporate them together. Which... may happen eventually depending on the difficulty :/



But, it would still be wicked to have someone else make it for us right? (:



I'll refer to several mods and what I would like to extrapolate/mention from them:

Breezehome Trophy Room

- Almost perfect. I would (with permission from the creator) definitely expand on the amount of trophies a player can place. Probably redesign the room to be a little more aesthetically pleasing. I have a lot of extra quest rewards/trophies that are still sitting in a chest or in my inventory. There's a couple questionable "bugs", but I'm sure it's a minor fix... just wasn't able to display Miraak's robes even though I had them in my inventory.

It's a small, uncluttered, and likely compatible mod. Me like.




- One of my favourite homes I've seen/installed. Idea-wise. Unfortunately, it's so vast that if I decide to start decorating the place, my frames will always drop whenever I enter the home. I don't mind waiting 4-5 seconds, but I also don't like feeling like I'm going to crash at any moment.

* I definitely want to install (and know, if possible) something similar to the jukebox setup. Perhaps a bit more selection, or even better, if I could choose my own songs! Maybe 15-20 tracks?

The "crafting" room, was almost what I needed. A few additional chests is all I can think of.

The mannequin hall was slightly too large and a bit too cramped. I wanna be able to see the back/cape as well.

I don't need anything too fancy, i.e. no gender changes, resizes or position changes, etc... although, it would be awesome if I could stick a weapon on a mannequin for display. (Not possible?)

I would probably restructure the "hallway" setup to something simple/easy, something that doesn't force me to remember which corner to turn.

There was also a handy dandy blade for us in this mod, which makes me want to include a lot more rewards and quests/puzzles.



- What's notable here is the location. Solstheim. The land of the nothingness. Any place that won't cause conflicts will do.


Old Mansion

- By far the hardest and longest... "quest", I've done on Skyrim. Though, it wasn't so much a factor of thinking, but a matter of time. The riddles/hints weren't helpful in the least bit, nor was the final edition tutorial which included the player dieing within the first 1/15th of the playthrough. So I was thinking, creating an equally long quest(s), though not mandatory, and only for extra items/rewards or perhaps aesthetic additions. Definitely something to due with spending/requiring vast amounts of gold. The riddles/hints will/should be a lot more helpful and thought-crunching.




This is my first mod request, so bear with me :pinch:


My intents: Having a well-designed, beautiful yet organized abode. Learning whatever I need to help take part in making this mod a reality. I probably have to do some online tutoring/learning soon anyhow.



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