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Detect Gold?


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I was reading my copy of The Firmament in-game recently and realized something: People born under The Tower are described as having "a knack for finding gold, and the ability to open most locks". The Tower birthsign has a power which lets you open 50 points (Tower Key)... I wonder if there was originally supposed to be a Detect Gold spell (like Detect Key, Enchantment, Animal), but it was cut for whatever reason. Of course, the line in The Firmament could just be implying that those born under The Tower tend to be thieves...


So anyway, this thread is to discuss this and other things that seem to have been left out of the game.

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Possibly it was meant to be in the game, but was never implemented. Similar to some of teh unique Artifacts (description of the enchantments doesn't match the enchatment).
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