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Steel Plate Armor and I can't see anything during combat


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Hi I just switched to steel plate armor and got a problem.


When I stop running the plate jumps up shortly and block my view. The other thing is that I can't see something during combat mode. I tried with and without helmet but it is still the same.


The attachment shows how it looks. What ever I do (even looking in the sky) the view is blocked.


I use CBBE with BBP, aMidian Armor and Remodeled Armor CBBE v3, HDT.



Hope someone can help :smile:

Edited by Merisal
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Thanks Valkasha!


I changed back to steel armor :) It has less armor but not such problems. Will see what other plate armors do while wearing them.


Otherwise I have to check alternatives to HDT and or BBP :confused:

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