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Collision Problem


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Hi everybody :)

I recently discovered a bug in oblivion - I was just wandering around in the wildernis (I am one of those people that don't use fast travel) when my char seemed to auto-jump while hitting the ground, then falling a little bit and autojump again o_O this continued untill I reached what I think was another cell. I didn't pay much attention to it, because, well if one cell has a bug that doesn't kill oblivion, it isn't a problem to me. But now this is starting to occur more often.

Also, when I entered the Inn of ill omen, I landed outside the building mesh, and I fell untill a certain point where I was "transported" back to normal height and then falling again. From waht I could see all the NPC's in the inn were doing the same with me, and all the furniture had been moved to the point where I was too, making me think somehow the inn's interior got placed in a different position than it's doors, furniture and NPC's.

I run oblivion 1.2.416, with the latest unofficial and official patches. I have all the addons (SI, KotN, DLC's)

I also use wyre bash, but currently only import inventory is checked in the bashed patch.

My load order is attached as a thumbnail.

Any help is very much appreciated ;D

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No, I misread your post. Please, post your load order.



Edit: Instructions on the page linked above. Please, print your load order with Wrye Bash. Read the BOSS log over too, if you use that. Make sure it does not point out any buggy plugins to you. However, that is not your LO. Do not post that, please.

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This same thing happened to me when I edited my .ini file. Look under Documents\My Games\Oblivion and open your Oblivion.ini file. Look for this line:




Make sure it isn't set higher than 5. Anything above this made my character bounce and sometimes fall through the ground into nothingness. My guess is that it's trying to load too much into memory and collision data gets lost. Let us know if that helps.



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ok ;] - srry for posting it the wrong way


Edit - tried wrye bash import cells feature in bashed patch, didn't seem to fix inn of ill omen, gridloathingy didn't fiz the inn either

now gonna disbale some mods (gosh the last time i visited inn was 6 months ago)


Edit 2 - The problem seemed to be craftybits ;S - probs fixed ^^ kudos to both of you

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