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The monkeys stole my sanity...


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DAMN YOU MONKEYS!!! DAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMNNN YOU!!!! LOL!!! Anyway guys, been playing for years, the one word to sum up the lot of my exsistence is: GAMER. I am pasty, so pasty I once caught my reflection in a mirror and thought there was a ghost there lol..... Anyway I am new here, have made a TON of XBOX360 Oblivion mods that were nothing more then rehashed hex .dat files for Oblivion, just scored my 4th copy of TES4: Oblivion and would try my hand at making some real stuff lol.

On a scale from 1-10 in skill:

Modeling: 3
Hex Editing and Debuging: 10-12 lol
Degree (A.o.S.) Graphic Design: 10 (I MAKES GUDZ TEXTURES :nuke:)

NEED TUTS ON CONVERSION FROM .TGA to DXtC using Gimp or external plug ins
Need also tuts on Cell merging and basics of scripting new mission...

Thanks for the help guys!

"A man can change the world with a arrow in the right place..."

Edited by ApocNizmith
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Sounds as if you may need to get outdoors into the sunshine more often, get a little colour back :laugh:


Anyway, welcome! Glad you found your way here. Read around and you should be able to find lots to interest you, as well as the help you're looking for.


Just a friendly tip or two to help get you off on the right foot --- You should read the site owner's article Console modding is not supported here , and also have a look through the ToS. After that, you should be good to go. Have fun!



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