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Console Command To Display Function Value


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How can I display the value of a function from the game console? Specifically, I want to see what my current rank is in the various guilds. Looking at the CS Wiki, the function to do this is "GetFactionRank FactionID". However, I haven't been able to figure out how to display this information from the game console.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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I found another way to accomplish what I wanted needed. :D


Following the "My First Script" example from the CS Wiki, I created the following script and attached it to the Lockpick:


ScriptName HelloWorld

short DBRank
short FGRank
short MGRank
short TGRank

Begin OnAdd
	set DBRank to Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood
	set FGRank to Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild
	set MGRank to Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild
	set TGRank to Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild
	Message "DB:  %.0f - FG:  %.0f - MG: %.0f - TG: %.0f", DBRank, FGRank, MGRank, TGRank, 20



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If u attatch a script to a quest u can do show questname.variable in the console to show you the varible name.
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