Alucard1475 Posted May 8, 2010 Share Posted May 8, 2010 As the topic says, sometimes blood and gore completely disables itself. On one occasion I'm seeing body parts fly, on the other, nothing happens at all. As if blood and gore disables itself. Theese are the mods I'm using as well as the load order generated with BOSS for Fallout 3. Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmProject Beauty HD version.esmCALIBR.esmStreetLights.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.espProject Beauty- Broken Steel.espProject Beauty- Point Lookout.espnorepairneededv2.espCALIBRxMerchant.espDK_BulletTime.espAuto Aim Fix v1.1.espGalaxyNewsRadio100[M].espSS OTS Camera FOSE.espSniperZooming.espMoreMapMarkers.espTreasure Maps_Bobblehead Edition.espGaussCompleteBeta.espColtM4Carbines.esp3EFdrg.espsunglassescollection.espMart's Mutant Mod.espPB MMM HD.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.espProject Beauty- Point Lookout MMM.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.espMart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.espMart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.espMart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.espMart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.espdD-Larger Blood.espFellout-Full.espFellout-BrokenSteel.espFellout-PointLookout.espFellout-Zeta.esp20th Century Weapons.esm20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).espRaider preset beta.espMrSlackPants-DecentPipBoyLight.espCrossRepairArmor.espCrossRepairWeapons.espFollowersHire.espRadioBlues.espDIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.espVashDeagleV5.espCivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.espRed Eye Mask & Goggles.espEcho_UseBothGloves.espAmmo Box Respawn.espGhouls Cohabitate.espAnchoRepair.espPittRepair.espBSteelRepair.espPLookoutRepair.espMZetaRepair.espSGsUA - No Borders v.1.0-EN.espSlower Levelling - super duper extreme.espM1911 Collection 1_0.esp Thanks for any help. :smile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fap6000 Posted May 9, 2010 Share Posted May 9, 2010 BOSS? Really... You seariously use that auto stuff? I'll say this though, out of all the borderline B/S auto sorters, BOSS is by far the top of the line when it comes to taking the down an dirty hard work one gets into with making Fallout 3 builds. I took a glance at it last year while helping another wasteland walker, such as yourself. Yah it was just a glance though. One reason why would be the whole auto sorter idea is B/S by default from good ole fashioned simple dead reckoning logic. Even though I've probably got something better to do right now, like porn for example, or heck deadlest catch is on the TV. Here's why.... I reckon in the world of super fun Nexus Fallout 3 modding there are two schools. One school favors the old rules about load orders, Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4, blah blah blah, Then FOIP picks up the slack (fallout interoperablity patch) Where the lazy end user drops the ball in lew of making using/installing mods as easy as possible. Also stuff like Auto sorters an FOMOD's fit in here, and even though the windows installer shell (which is the best installer) Being used to install vast mods like FOOK2, UFP, ect. This is a huge step forward fer the Fallout 3 modz world from where we were a year ago or so. Drawbacks, euuuuu, Well for one thing the old rules about load orders are scattered about on 100's of Nexus forums pages/threads, along with being further spread among 100's of read me's. It's un-avoidable that bits an pieces of this information are lost in the past. So for one thing there would be a good amount of time one would spend just trying to read about them, much less cross reference it while also having to compile all the data into a set of rules that one could actually use. Then FOIP picking up the slack. Well think of it this way. A FOIP is a generic patch for a custom load order. Meaning I'm going to sit down here in Tennessee an figure out a fix for your load order in New York, and without even getting to look at what load order you are using. Besides not knowing which of the 10,000 modz yer using, there also no way to figure in the 1,000,000 posible combo's of load order that big brain of yers could come up with, while also being spread across the population of many many different fallout 3 players. With each person comming up with a unique load order. This is also the reason why a "Auto Sorter" will never work. Besides the "Auto Sorter" needing to be updated everyday, a total waste of time. There would be no way for it's creator to cover all the bases in User error, Mods being updated, each player using a different set of mods, each player using a different computer system. Now back to FOIP, you know the generic patches. FOIP does have a loot of room for user error. That being said, even user error is better than an auto sorter. The reason why would be because the user has to read tons of stuff just to figure out the order of the mods, much less figure out where to put the FOIP's. While this is being done, some but not all of those "old rules" will be found, followed, and factored into that compiled set of rules a user can actually use to build something. Then also any decision is based off the user knowing at least something about what the mod contains they are going to move here or there. Where a "Auto Sorter" is just going to look at the Raw data off the shelf. Then you have the auto installers. The ones that use the windows installer shell are the most safe, FOMOD fits in here too, anything else is a risk. The only issue with auto installers or FOMOD is that it blindly overwrites content with other content in cases where the vanilla content meets up which is about 50% of the mods out there. It's a quality issue, directly linked to the order the mods are installed. The very best possible case one could get as a end result would be a load order in the 50% to 75% range. However that 75% would be pretty hard to get. You would have to have read just about everything dealing with the old rules for load orders (which was abandoned as a method at least 6 months ago) Then also you would have to of figured out FOIP rules for placement. Which all of this would have many conflicting statements from modders an patchers. So we are talking about a very smart person that figured it out enough to yeild a load order that's 75% accurate. However there is a grey area, because the actual load order is only about 50% of the quality of the build of fallout 3 in terms of the amount of Coruption it causes and Crashes it causes mainly, but there's also stuff like balance, performance, and other smaller issues we tend to throw out the window. Which using a "Auto Sorter" in virtually every case will lower each of those quality issues which were already below ideal or nominal. *************Burp! The other school*************** The other school favors creating custom patches for custom load orders. The new rules, which is basicly using a set of tools which allow any mod to be used with any other mod, and in any order. As well as allowing any one mod to do whatever the player can think up, and also taking content from 6 or more mods forcing all of the content to be used together in 1 in game item. While at the end of the day this is down an dirty work. Pfft there is no requirement of reading. Heck I just got in there an fumbled around messing stuff up for a long enough time to learn that there are a few things I should read maybe. Even that noobish fooling around is enough to break the 50% quality mark which is the Cap for a generic load order, which over a long enough time period maxes out at 99.8% or something. I know it's dang near100% is all. I said before that the actual content an load order is only about 50% of the overall quality of the build. This is because the remaining 50% is directly linked to 3 tools. 20% is FO3edit merge patch creation (the merging of common spread sheet like data, mostly lists of things) However this fixes about 25% of the conflicts in any given load order in a very quick semi-automated process which otherwise would take dayz an dayz an dayz of work. That's just a bonus though, we use it because it mainly makes the gameplay smoother when you are using 200 mods from 300 different people across the world. After yeh merge patched hey wow look, 25% of the conflicts in the entire load order were fixed in one OverRide in an hours time for every hundred mods in the list (estimate) Enter the down an dirty work of the actual manual fixing/balancing of the load order with FO3edit. Depending on how much you know about what each part does inside the mods will yeild you another 20% quality, which is just seat time working with the mods inside FO3edit or GECK even. Also the kind of stuff that gets you into creating yer own mods, so if you ask me it's a no-brainer. However the most important part of this down an dirty work, is that it's where the load order goes from "off the shelf" to "custom fit mods" Without this there would be virtually no game balance at all because the balance would be determined by the modders, which all use different methods, an also all have different opinions of what fallout should be than what you feel fallout should be. Then also doors open up to evolve certian aspects of the general idea of a certian mod. Then lastly another 10% quality is picked up from FO3edit's Master Update ability (Think of it as a broom that cleans out hidden data) Then actual mod cleaning, see the process of creating a mod makes it get dirty as #*&@ The creator clicked maddly on this an that deleted this and that, all while they were burned out an listening to music making mistakes or doing things the lazy way, forgeting stuff, just being normal. Which most of that is just because the GECK is picky an weird. Anyhow the key points in this phase are Removing identical to master records and Setting deleted to disabled. Which all three of these are mostly all a fully automated process. There's some other wierd things you can do but it's not very helpful. Now some pretty cool doors that open up when you get into the kind of things mentioned above. 1. OverRides, Which pretty much allow you to make a mod do anything you can think up, or 6 mods do anything you want. An example is making a bottle of vodka in game, give you buffage stats from Ultimate perk pack, Get you piss drunk an blur the screen an make you stumble around from Inebriation, Explode into a fireball from FOOK2 or distruction, Give you an empty bottle from Metal Salvage, work as fuel for your fire based weapons, work as fuel for your vehicle mods, and so on. This one item vodka will now do all of that. While without the override whichever mod of these that loaded last would be the only content used. 2. FO3 Plug In Utility, Throws the 255 mod limit out the window, from making merging two mods or 60 mods into one .Esm or .Esp Which the Java program has become so clean about these mergers that it's kiddie play to turn 255 mods into roughly 40, While keeping your near 100% quality. To make a long story shorter. There's only about 3 things that the second school can't do. Which is directly linked to hard-coded data that wasn't ever on the table anyway. After all of this the only think that remains is the computer system itself. Your O/S an drivers, an configurations, as well as the tweeks to fallout 3, an settings. Which in the big picture is a signifigant amount of quality. That being said though anything and everything you need to run fallout is built into Windows O/S from XP on. Either on the install disc, in auto updates, in service packs. So mostly this last few percent is the rare weird cases. Following the rules for gaming computers pretty much nulls any problem linked to the actual end users computer system. I view a lot of it as rumor though. ***************Now what you have************* Fallout3.esm When this was installed did you allow time for a vanilla testing phase? Which would rule out the computer system, an give a base line of how well Fallout 3 will run?<-------- Anchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esm The actual order for DLC's is Pitt, Anch, BS, PL, and Zeta last, the content is listed inside them as DLC01, DLC02, DLC03, DLC04, DLC05 Which is how I know this, meaning that when they were developed, each one was meant to OverRide/OverWrite the one before it.<------------- Also Did you allow time for a testing phase like the one you did on Vanilla fallout, to get a baseline of how well vanilla fallout runs on your computer with the DLC's?<------------- Also did you spend time here testing your grapics settings as well as the stuff mentioned in the TWEEKGUIDE, which is what brings out the true powerz of fallout 3's engine?<------- Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm This UFP.esm because it touches on 95% of the vanilla content of the game is going to be OverRide/OverWriten many times by the following .Esm's which deal mainly in player created new content unrelated to the vanilla game, but each one having certian areas that overwrite UFP, hence leaving the UFP.esp you place later on hopefully picking up the slack depending on where it is, in this case, where BOSS put it...<------------------ Project Beauty HD version.esmCALIBR.esmStreetLights.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp BAM son! yep, I would say at least 50% of the goods in UFP just got OverRode/Overwriten making the UFP virtually useless, It's a hard choice in either school. Heck even UFP's read me just flat out says when it was made it was never meant to be used with other mods. Did we listen? Heck no, man UFP is awesome. But it is rather diffcult to fix. In fact if you ask me, UFP is just as hard to fix as FOOK2, which takes about two days worth of down an dirty work off the shelf in just about any load order. With both of them, as well as any "OverHawl" mod Continuing to add conflicts an problems that need fixing as the load order grows when it's being built. Because they are so huge an touch on so many vanilla things that all mods have in common. There is always a problem with conflicting with something. So if you install the "Overhawls" first You will be fixing it many many times in your build as you go from 1 mod to 6000 mods, which suggests that they should be installed last, then only fixed 1 time, before the master updated boner giving gameplay starts<------------------- Project Beauty- Broken Steel.espProject Beauty- Point Lookout.esp I would think if looks were important to a player then the PB stuff would be something that loaded last, as to keep NPC's from being overrode/overwriten from stuff loading after it<---------- norepairneededv2.esp This mod takes about 75% of the fun an hardship out of the fallout 3 game. Also fire rates an weapon use is a picky tricky subject, it's prone to messing up because it's complex, hence me avoiding things that mess with complex touchy issues, besides the obvious fun you miss out on, it turns the game from being a simulation into a arcade game, and if you ask me is stupid. However there are cases where say a Glock 19 pistol some fool made only has 300 health, will only fire 100-200 rounds which is making the simulation an arcade game again. Remember how I mentioned balance before. You can launch FO3edit find the Glock 19 weapon, then change it's health to about 3000 or more, which yeilds a Glock 19 like in the real world which will fire thousands of rounds before needing cleaning<------------------------- CALIBRxMerchant.esp This mod isn't really a Merchant, it's more of a guide on how to make a merchant that sells calibr gear, who also roams around, in fact the lists which are added to him are quite silly almost, but I feel maybe it was only made really fast, because the merchant was made rather well besides the silly lists, it's by no means a supply of calibr ammo, Just like Enclave commander's doesn't work well if you use FOOK2 weapons or heck 20th century, the Enclave commander's Troop is simply outgunned. In these cases it's up to the end user to balance or evolve the mod to their spec depending on what it is they want, an how difficult they made the wasteland, but CalibrMerchant only takes about an hour to fix with FO3edit<-------------------- DK_BulletTime.espAuto Aim Fix v1.1.esp I always tweek my AutoAim fix, because many simply turn it of, which often causes issues with player made weapons, which are all have projectile nodes aimmed at different angles, so they will be held in game by the PC correctly. I tend to only narrow the cone which the engine looks at, keep the angle, then set the max distance at 12,000 which is 100 feet, you can change it around though, you have to test it an see what works<----------------------- GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp GNR100 directly conflicts with Fallout.esm an Broken Steel.esm, a purple master conflict which is one of the worst kind an hardest to fix if you ask me, besides the obvious problems that get locked into a new game start at the exit of vault 101, from all 3 of these mods having different versions of the RadioGNR script, which controls the music as well as Quest Tracking PLayer expoit data (news) It's a simple fix though, just add the quests that Broken steel tells the system to look for in order to have 3 dog spit out some Broken steel quest news, which is only 4 quests, so 4 things entered into the script. And Actually when I tested using GNR100 with broken steel this above mentioned conflict was causing a random crash as well as in certian game starts 3 dog would only talk talk talk talk, then no music would play, hence I fixed it manually, but it took two different attempts<------------- SS OTS Camera FOSE.espSniperZooming.esp They are nice, but Pfft who cares, it's like playing with fire, the effective range is somewhat limited for sniper rifles anyway, one reason is draw distance an the other being for some odd reason the gravity effect on a projectile is opposite the real world, over a long enough distance the bullet actualy goes up, rather than gravity pulling it down to earth over distance, like a arch, I rarely have to shoot over 80 meters in distance, in fact all I really need is enough that the target won't see me an attack, heh anything over 150 meters or heck 100 meters is a stupid pee pee contest, I mean take a game like Frontlines Fuel of war, with it's 600 meter to 1000 meter range. Fallout 3 isn't a true FPS so some things were given up in order to be more RPG, one of these was max range. MoreMapMarkers.esp Nice one so long as you don't add or change things around inside any of the vanilla cells an worldspaces in the game, then two mods change the same map markers location, or like a door marker, you go thru it, an now you are below the ground, and stuck, but this stuff is super easy to fix<--------------------- Treasure Maps_Bobblehead Edition.espGaussCompleteBeta.espColtM4Carbines.esp3EFdrg.espsunglassescollection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod.espPB MMM HD.esp This is probably okay where it is, but if you ask me I would feel better if it was after all of the MMM stuff, as well as after any other mod that changes NPC data, like for example your 20th century weapons .esp's below, they add stuff to NPC's, anywhere where the two entries meet up, even though 20th century is the cleanest mod I've seen, the vanilla data for these pretty NPC's get's overwriten with the vanilla data used when 20th century was created, you see the person that made this generic FOIP patch had no idea that you would be using 20th century weapons with it. However if a person opens up a generic FOIP patch an trys to fix it, they'll see how messy it is, because it's actually harder to fix a load order that has the FOIP in it.<------------ Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.espProject Beauty- Point Lookout MMM.esp Generic FOIP is poop if you ask me, open this whole load order up with FO3edit an look only at the FOIP .esp's you'll see what a total mess a generic patch is, Then also I'd put the MMM patches for DLC's after the other stuff, can't ever tell if they would get overwriten by the optional MMM stuff, namly the faction data, but like I said, you never can tell, from looking at the outside, so any patch if I used that crap would go at the end, if not the end of the load order, but also there's no way to tell if that would help or hurt you to have it load last<------------ Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.espMart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.espMart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.espMart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Natural Selection is great, but unless you have 1Gb of video card memory, yer going to have problems, also it seems to create a mass of poopy data inside the cell buffer, which can in certian times cause coruption in your game an save games, but you can purge the cell buffer manually the safe way, either with groovatron, or by using a doorway into a cell, to force reloads of whatever cell you wanted to be in after you console PCB (purge cell buffer) In fact the Tweekguide sort of downplays the automatic built in cell buffer purging in lew of keeping that data for performance reasons because it's in the system cache (known area of coruption cause) The settings in the .ini for SelectivePurgeOnFastTravel and PreemptivlyUnloadCellData cut about 90% of the manual PCB (purge cell buffer) I also use the background loader, but all of this is what works well on my computer, and there was a time I had 512Mb of video card memory where I spent a lot of time manually PCB, an finding ways to do it safely. Another time I set it up so only preditors would be effected by Natural Selection. It's optional because of these probs, with a bit of work and testing it's not a problem. Using it with anything less than a 100% quality load order is a risk of getting a corupted save game data, from the added chaos in the cell buffer/system cache<------<---------Yeah I still use it anyway<--------- Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp dD-Larger Blood.esp dD-Gore is a series of mods, something like 5 or 10 I don't remember, This one is kind of one of the stupid ones, mainly because it makes the blood spatter larger, in some cases you make a small injury to a target, an now there's a huge pool of blood, an it's silly, probably the cause of your problem, I'd download it again an use more than one, dD-gore is the best gore mod out there, but you have to read the read me an follow the instructions, it also deals somewhat with the body part data which happens from exploding/dismemberment, And if you like the second school there's tons of things you can make better to balance it to your game<----------------- Fellout-Full.espFellout-BrokenSteel.espFellout-PointLookout.espFellout-Zeta.esp Aye the old load order rules put weather mods last, as to not be mistakenly overwriten, Fellout is pretty durable though, you should use the combo though, Fellout an enhanced weather, which work well together, an either one or the other will control the weather depending on which is loaded last<--------------- 20th Century Weapons.esm WTF is this doing here, did you get hit in the head by something, oh right you used BOSS, well good to see it works great, what with the "old rules" stating that Fallout.esm is at the top, with any other .esm after that in a certian order following mod creators read me's. The game engine will automaticly order any .esm to go before .esp, but That is assuming it will do so correctly, The end user dropping the ball out of supidity or lazyness, and we all know what happends if we assume anything, we make an A** out of U an ME<---------------------- 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (TEST Container).esp20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp 20th Century only needs the .Esm in order to have the weapons, but to get the player to be able to purchace or loot the weapons these plug in's come in, which are seperated as much as posible as to allow them to be compatible with other mods, here you have them all, so your 20th century mod conflicts with the others, probably a whole lot, at the very least your PB an MMM, but I tink merge patch would clear up most of that, because it's list type data, those lists are contained sometimes in the NPC data though<------------------------ Raider preset beta.espMrSlackPants-DecentPipBoyLight.esp Fellout has a pipboy light, so that means this one probably conflicts with Fellout in some way, which is why Fellout made the pipboy light a seperate plug in as to allow it to be placed anywhere while also not messing with the kind of stuff that breaks fellout or the pipboy light. You know it's just an quick edit to the radius of the light emited by the pipboy light. Not very helpful. Light also plays into the games performance, each light has to be calculated for every item in it's radius, so a room with 10 lights an 20 items in it has 200 seperate calculaltions for light any time the charicter takes a step this way or that way. Groovatron has a directional light built into it, much like a flashlight, an there are also seperate mods which deal with flashlight like player charicter lighting<---------------------------- CrossRepairArmor.espCrossRepairWeapons.espFollowersHire.espRadioBlues.espDIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp VashDeagleV5.esp VashDeagle used to use MPammo, which was hard to figure out which ammo the gun actually used when put in a load order with calibr, besides that it only offered 1 of the 5 awesome versions of the gun, an when I used it I never even found where the weapon was. Idk if they fixed it, because I took the guns an made 5 different versions an put it in a mod, there are other folks that did this too, so maybe you can find one of those mods, unless they fixed VashDeagle<--------------------- CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.espRed Eye Mask & Goggles.espEcho_UseBothGloves.espAmmo Box Respawn.espGhouls Cohabitate.espAnchoRepair.espPittRepair.espBSteelRepair.espPLookoutRepair.espMZetaRepair.espSGsUA - No Borders v.1.0-EN.esp Uh no idea, but if it turns the borders in the game off that can be done by a 1 or 0 inside the fallout.ini <----------------- Slower Levelling - super duper extreme.espM1911 Collection 1_0.esp A general tip is all those tiny little mods, most of that is stuff that doesn't even matter where you put it, except that there are other mods which the order does matter which following the old stupid tier rules. But I won't waste time telling you how because it's an abandoned method. If you wanted to do it that way just follow the first school path. But know that most of the tiny stuff like say it just adds a weapon or perk, those get put in to what they are weapons with weapons, perks with perks, an then stuck in the middle of the load order where it doesn't matter. Because you can't tell what's in them, when you put them at the end then they overwrite your main mods, which is why MMM says put MMM last in it's read me, so that the NPC data doesn't get fooled with, the rest of yer mods you should place acording to what you want to get overwriten, in this load order it would be deciding between Project beatifuz, MMM, 20thcentury, and UFP. Heh now you see why most load order posts just float down the forum without answer. I can't believe I wasted my time spiting all that poop out. I need some more coffee. Just know it never gets anymore easy, certianly with the use or auto installers or auto sorters, the easy way just makes things worse. If you want a shortcut, then in this case an many others the short cut is often the long road, which here in the fallout world is a bunch of down an dirty hard work with spread sheets inside FO3edit mostly. The only thing you can do to downplay that nasty an aweful hours an hours spent behind a spreadsheet punching numbers is space it out. I'll install a few mods, then fix them, then test it as much as I can, until I die or the game crashes, at which point I'll either fix it, or install more mods. Each few hours I spend fixing is seperated by long long hours of testing. Which over the long term keeps my diagnosis of any problem limited to the last 4 mods I installed, because I already ruled out the computer system when I installed, an then ruled out the other 200 mods as I installed them an tested over a long term period a few mods at a time. Keep in mind now that a mod like FOOK2 (overhawls) takes about 2 days of work to fix, the same goes for fixing 80 mods in one sitting, hence spliting it up. Come up with some kind of plan like this an build it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alucard1475 Posted May 9, 2010 Author Share Posted May 9, 2010 Thank you very much for such extended clarification. I HAVE FIXED MY GORE ISSUE WITH THE 'GORE TWEAKS' MOD. All mods I now have installed, they do exactly what they're supposed to be doing, no matter where or what they are. I do realize that there are mods not really needed and I may take time to tune the game. At the moment, the game ain't going crazy, nor is it constantly crashing like it used to a couple of days ago. Thanks again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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