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Request: Auriel's Shield (Light Armor) + SkyRE patch


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I always found it stupid that Auriel's Shield is Heavy Armor when Ancient Falmer Armor is light and Auriel's Bow, like most bows goes along better with Light Armor users. I really like Auriel's Shield effect, and I want to use it with light armor. Since I am using SkyRE it would be nice to include the patch for it. Thank you in advance, to any kind modder out there that is willing to make this. :)

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Use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28467/?


Edit stats.xml with notepad, you can find it in data/skyprocpatchers/t3ndo_reproccer


Find these lines:

add this below it:

Now if you run the patcher your shield should be glass armor (so light)

Alternatively you could do dragonscale or elven as long as it's a light material.

Edited by Valkasha
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Use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28467/?


Edit stats.xml with notepad, you can find it in data/skyprocpatchers/t3ndo_reproccer


Find these lines:

add this below it:

Now if you run the patcher your shield should be glass armor (so light)

Alternatively you could do dragonscale or elven as long as it's a light material.

I did this and patched it but what happened is that the shield is renamed to Auriel's Light Shield, but the shield is still Heavy Armor. Any ideas?

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Change the materials, keywords and the weight of the shield to light variants inside the creation kit and save as a new esp, put the esp slightly above the reproccer esp and run the patcher again.

Thank you very much! :smile: :smile:

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