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Morrowind Problems :(


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Hi everyone. I've been playing Morrowind on an Asus laptop that I bought about a year ago (Using cds from the new set that Bethesda put out recently) and it's been working fine until today. I am using Windows 8 and can get more specs if needed,but because I think I may have caused the problem myself, I'm just posting the bare minimum of specs right now.


I decided that instead of using my firesword to kill enemies, I would just type either "disable" or "setheatlh 0" into the console when I wanted to kill someone. Now I'm wondering if this could've caused my problem because it was okay until today. The problem I'm having btw is that whenever I'm talking to an NPC and their menu list of topics comes up, I can't choose the ones at the top of any list because it scrolls automatically to the bottom of the list. Also, when I open the journal, the text on the right scrolls wildly and won't allow me to click on it or turn the pages. It looks and feels like a "bug", but I wonder if all of the console use may have messed something up, so I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me.


Thanks so much!


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