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Merging ESP with master ESM


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If you take an ESP and, using Fo3edit or plugin merger, merge it with it's parent ESM, will it still function the same?

As a case in point, if I merged enhanced weather.esp with enhanced weather.esm would there be a noticeable change in-game?

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If you take an ESP and, using Fo3edit or plugin merger, merge it with it's parent ESM, will it still function the same?

As a case in point, if I merged enhanced weather.esp with enhanced weather.esm would there be a noticeable change in-game?

Part of the point of an ESP, is that it allows the changes that could be implemented in the master to override other mods. ESMs are stuck at the beginning of your LO.


TESCS - Esp vs Esm - http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Esp_vs._Esm

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If you take an ESP and, using Fo3edit or plugin merger, merge it with it's parent ESM, will it still function the same?

As a case in point, if I merged enhanced weather.esp with enhanced weather.esm would there be a noticeable change in-game?


That's what I do with my mods. Using Fo3Edit. But just copy the records (as over-ride or deep over-ride) that are in the master but not in the esp, else you'll end up with duplicates. Remove the master from the esp before you save it and exit. Then open it with the Geck and save it.

Some problems i've had doing this - sometimes a dialog info will get out of place, especially the GREETING topic. Also, Base effects that use scripts will lose their association with the script - have to edit it and re-associate it.


Back everything up before trying this.

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