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Animation help


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I need some help with blender I want to make animations I have already downloaded and installed it


(Blender 2.43, Python 2.4.4, Blender NIF Scripts 1.5.7, NifSkope 0.9.8, NifBlend version 0.4).


And have gotten 1/4 of the way through Blender Noob to Pro tutorial.


And now I want to try and find some tutorials on Animation (and if I need any other programs please tell me) if someone can please list some good tutorials on animation they don't have to be Oblivion specific (but preferably) I would be most pleased.


Thank you very much.



PS: I don't know if this is in the right place I think it is but if not than can the Admin please move it. (and PM me)

Thank you

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I can't make any recommendations from experience, I don't use blender myself.

I do know, though, that you can find quite a few free tutorials and guides online with a google search. Lots of experienced modelers (animators, and such) have uploaded tutorial articles online for every 3d application. I personally learned to use Maya largely from random online guides I found through a google search, you just need to poke around a bit. Good luck!

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ok thanks but I did do google searches and all kinds of them like wiki (only found one worth wile) and nexus only found one there to....oh well thank you for the help...If anyone still has a link or a file they can attatch that would be amazing thank you!
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