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CM Partner insists on being naked.

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Hi everyone. Today's problem, I present...


I've created a new CM Partner for myself following the guidelines in the tutorial that's included with the mod. After a few snags due to my own stupidity, I *think* I have her working perfectly... except for one issue. She won't automatically equip anything in her inventory the way CM Partners are supposed to. I gave her some armor and a robe to start out with, but when I fire up my game, she's standing there naked. I checked to be sure the items were actually in her inventory, and they are; she just won't wear anything she has. I even tried giving her back the things that CM Partners start out with as a default in case it were some issue with particular armor I'd given her. No luck. She won't equip ANYTHING -- not clothing, jewelry, armor, or even weapons. The only thing she equips is a torch.


I found a mod called Force Equip for CM Partners; it gives you a targeted spell that allows you to force a Partner to wear the items you specify (it's designed so that you can have the Partner loot and carry armor\weapons without them automatically wearing the best armor in their inventory instead of the one you want them to wear). By using that, I can make my Partner equip her things... but the moment I open the Share window to give her something, even if it's just a potion or torch and not a wearable item, she immediately strips down again and stands there naked with nothing equipped at all. In order to re-dress her after that happens, I have to take all the items I want her to wear away from her, then cast the Force Equip spell again and give her the items using it. She absolutely won't ever equip anything automatically, and it seems that opening the share inventory window makes her de-equip anything I had forced her to wear using the spell.


What gives here? I've never made a CM Partner mod before so I assume it's something I did wrong. All the other Partner mods I've used before work perfectly. I've used the Force Equip mod in conjunction with other Partner mods too, and it works as it should. It's not that mod that's causing this to happen, it's something about this new Parter I created.

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