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Useless Items


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Has anyone noticed the massive amount of unusable items in the game? I think these items that have no value monetarily should have value as well as some type of in-game use.


Like the paint brush and canvas could be actually used to spread paint. The quill, ink, and parchment could be used to write things. The pickaxe, hoe, etc could be used as they were meant to be.


If someone was willing to pick this mod up, I think it would make the game more realistic. Just a suggestion, I can't mod at all.


Tell me if you think this is a good idea.


If there is a mod that already does this let me know (I know there is a mod that adds value to the items already)

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I noticed a post yesterday by Bolgo the Mad where he (or she) says he is going to mod values for these items. He was asking for comments, so you might scroll back to look for it and add your opinions.


There was some suggestion of having silver currency as lower value than gold. If the base minimum is 1 gold you'd end up with yarn being the same cost as a shirt which doesn't make a lot of sense.


As for using game items, check out the mods issued. There is a gardening mod. Maybe that lets you hoe. I have no idea. Ours is not the only mod site either. Go explore!

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I noticed a post yesterday by Bolgo the Mad where he (or she) says he is going to mod values for these items. He was asking for comments, so you might scroll back to look for it and add your opinions.


There was some suggestion of having silver currency as lower value than gold. If the base minimum is 1 gold you'd end up with yarn being the same cost as a shirt which doesn't make a lot of sense.




Making silver is an easy concept.


1. Create new Item ---> Silver coin.

2. Gold value = 0.1

3. Custom script the Misc Silver object

4. Change the sGold string to sMoney.

5. Texture and Icon the silver object.



After I get the NPC equipment and NPC levels done I'm doing this.

If anyone wants to help with either the script or Icon I'd really appreciate it.

Obviously it will become more complicated then these 5 moves - but since I don't know any better yet,

lets not ruin it.



glut glut

Bolgo The Madd

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Merchants Buy Your Clutter is a mod which adds value to some of these items. I haven't tried it so don't know how extensive the changes are though.




There are a couple mods that do this. They're not too bad. There's also a Helpfull Clutter (yes, two L's) mod that gives them some values. Like +1 int for a quill, etc. I didn't like it.. it had problems for me. There's also the "deadly clutter" mod that lets you wield knives or spoons, but not all clutter.

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