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Did you heard about neo-mania, depicted as a modern illness which consist in wanting to be a pioneer in all and always buying the last device model whatever the cost of it? The high-tech industry perfectly uses this snobbery because it's an incredible driving force behind selling. The technologies saled on the market today will be outdated in one year and the products obsolete. It's a business-model of all this industry.


Do you think it's a real illness affecting our modern lives and to what extent are we concerned about it?

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I don't see it as an illness - we don't need any more psudo 'illnesses' for the shrinks to bill suckers for. I see it as many of these suckers are brainwashed by the constant advertising they are subject to. How many TV commercials have you sen thet push "NEW AND IMPROVED"? When in many cases the product is neither new or improved - I saw one where the improvement was a smaller size for the same price - but the packaging was redesigned so somehow that made it new and improved. TV especially pushes the concept that for your own self esteem you NEED to have the newest gadget, even if there was nothing wrong with your older gadget.
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I don't see it as an illness - we don't need any more psudo 'illnesses' for the shrinks to bill suckers for. I see it as many of these suckers are brainwashed by the constant advertising they are subject to. How many TV commercials have you sen thet push "NEW AND IMPROVED"? When in many cases the product is neither new or improved - I saw one where the improvement was a smaller size for the same price - but the packaging was redesigned so somehow that made it new and improved. TV especially pushes the concept that for your own self esteem you NEED to have the newest gadget, even if there was nothing wrong with your older gadget.


As a certified internet therapist I feel I should point out that neo-mania isn't really a part of our "modern times" in the sense that the modern popularization of internet social networks and YouTube and general internet activities is not very connected to hardware performance.


It is possible for the web to start requiring, or at least making more use of fast computers with things like WebGL and SVG with shaders, those can be quite slow if you don't have a modern machine. I'm not sure how fast gradient meshes render, they might also take a good computer if they have a lot of edges, I hope W3S adds support for them to SVG soon, assuming they haven't already.

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away with pseudo illnesss indeed. that is just being ignorant to the real problems. wanting to buy much and having the latest is from my perspective the result of low self esteem.

you dont have it inside so you go outside to "stabelise" your self-image, which of course is like trying to hang up something in mid air. the value must come from inside.


it is the same as being to passive btw.


in the end it is fear driven and that often to much holds no reality.


many people dont even know they are fear driven.


it is silly. we are afraid to grow up as a poeple. it is like being tied to a wheel and you dont see what else is there. so slowing down and taking a step back is supreme.


dont be running from the obvious.


be able to forgive.


it is a powerfull tool of self transformation. indeed all the nature goes like that. and here one has to be very honest. the human thinks it has to run from that to preserve itself since can feel like a little death but that death is into life. so zombie nation. ghoulification. drinking alcohol. no thank you. there is a life and it can be very exciting not trying to run away anymore.


the outside cannot fix up what is inside or what is the transformation of both these principles.


love is wholeness itself.


it is not an image.


what can i say. go to some transparent place where they shake you wake and enjoy.

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away with pseudo illnesss indeed. that is just being ignorant to the real problems. wanting to buy much and having the latest is from my perspective the result of low self esteem.

you dont have it inside so you go outside to "stabelise" your self-image, which of course is like trying to hang up something in mid air. the value must come from inside.


it is the same as being to passive btw.


in the end it is fear driven and that often to much holds no reality.


many people dont even know they are fear driven.


it is silly. we are afraid to grow up as a poeple. it is like being tied to a wheel and you dont see what else is there. so slowing down and taking a step back is supreme.


dont be running from the obvious.




I agree with you. Maybe not a desease, but a bad habit. Nice expensive toys can also be used to show off. In the -50´ it was the car, today it is still the car + every new crabby thing, that can do this and that.

But it is the new way to make a personality. Everybody can buy a personality now, they get a "brand". If they can find out that them selfes, they can pay a therapist to get a proper brand, and buy the proper things :woot:

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Everybody can buy a personality now, they get a "brand". If they can find out that them selfes, they can pay a therapist to get a proper brand, and buy the proper things :woot:

I loved that Balagor! Lol :laugh:


As a certified internet therapist I feel I should point out that neo-mania isn't really a part of our "modern times" in the sense that the modern popularization of internet social networks and YouTube and general internet activities is not very connected to hardware performance.

I think it's not that easy as we could find a lot of other examples in your quoting days, like TV, cellular phones, cars... etc... and the subject is not limited to internet activities, of course.


Seeing this on our everyday life ground, I would give just one example. Football world's cup is coming and also new 3D TV for watching the match game as you were there. It will cost you 1500 to 3000 euros for having such one piece. But besides you must pay for having some special glasses (50 to 150 euros). Good morning the bill... For that price you will be able to see the world's cup and nothing else because others 3D programs are not ready yet (the TNT is only set in HD... in France at least). Blue-ray drives aren't 3D compatible. You will need then to reequip yourself soon and trend your Blue-ray drive like you have throwned your HDVD drive two years ago! Buy, throw, for buying new and industry will run smoothly. With this business-model when you buy an high-tech product it is already outdated and his successor pushes behind.


You may say it's only some material stuff of course but something strange appears then : something vexing for some people... no? Especially when your neighbouring is coming to taunt you : "Uh, you've buyed it, it's a shame, you'd better have to wait for, the new version will be released in three months." We also could stay calm and purchase the same devices at minus 30% of the cost after the world's cup when the sucker crowd passes by. :wink:

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I came to think off a guy I know who always buys the newest. He is bipolar like me. However I have never had that habit when I have my fall backs. I by a lot, during my fal backs, but not necarsserly new things. But I think that there could be at least a connection with Bipolar Disorder and Neo-mania, perhaps.
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I think that one only has to buy into the tech level they choose. I always keep my PC up to date but could care less about the newest cell phone.

My sailboat is 20yrs old, hunting rifle 111 yrs old..both classics..no need to upgrade

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I like Balagor's analogy of buying a personality. As in I saw this cool guy on a TV show last night. maybe if I buy all the cool stuff he had I can be cool too.


If I buy the designer clothes and designer cell phone and latest fad car can I date the cute actress he dated - you know the one with a bigger bust size than IQ?


Unfortunately, it doesn't really work that way in real life. When a looser is told to 'Get a life' No matter how much new 'stuff' he acquires, he will still be a looser until he learns to relate to people and not 'stuff'. Hint: I am not impressed when you answer your 'new' cell phone in the middle of a face to face conversation.

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I think it's not that easy as we could find a lot of other examples in your quoting days, like TV, cellular phones, cars... etc... and the subject is not limited to internet activities, of course.


Seeing this on our everyday life ground, I would give just one example. Football world's cup is coming and also new 3D TV for watching the match game as you were there. It will cost you 1500 to 3000 euros for having such one piece. But besides you must pay for having some special glasses (50 to 150 euros). Good morning the bill... For that price you will be able to see the world's cup and nothing else because others 3D programs are not ready yet (the TNT is only set in HD... in France at least). Blue-ray drives aren't 3D compatible. You will need then to reequip yourself soon and trend your Blue-ray drive like you have throwned your HDVD drive two years ago! Buy, throw, for buying new and industry will run smoothly. With this business-model when you buy an high-tech product it is already outdated and his successor pushes behind.


You may say it's only some material stuff of course but something strange appears then : something vexing for some people... no? Especially when your neighbouring is coming to taunt you : "Uh, you've buyed it, it's a shame, you'd better have to wait for, the new version will be released in three months." We also could stay calm and purchase the same devices at minus 30% of the cost after the world's cup when the sucker crowd passes by. :wink:


Alternate frame sequencing stereoscopic displays aren't new, they've very, very old.

The problem is that we changed from CRT to LCD displays, that's around the time monitors and TVs stopped being so huge and started getting flat, that was the change from CRT to LCD.


With LCD displays having too slow a refresh rate to support switching between views in sync with glasses with shutters in them the whole advancement to 3D was halted.


It has taken them until now to get LCD displays fast enough, and a lot of that speed is helped through not supporting TrueColor, which is 1 byte per channel, aka 8 ones or zeroes per red green or blue in each pixel, they use dithered 6 bit channels, aka 6 ones or zeroes per color channel.


LCDs with fast refresh rates are not the future, OLED is, LCD is kind of a sidegrade compared to CRT.

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