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Well if you consider it to be a mental disorder (LOL), therefore this "Illness" is connected to lack of awareness, street wits knowledge, and sometimes, intelligence.


In my opinion, Neo-mania, as it is referred to, is more apparent in first world or western countries, since availability, quality and simplicity are ULTRA high compared to that of third world.

for example, I get I-Phone 3GS (the model with the 3.2 mega pixel camera, not the 2.0 MPixel model...) for 1,000$ here, add lots of hacking problems as well, and I get to use it for 6 months of continuous use. now in the U.S, I get it for 299.99$ (the irony) have access to my email in a glance, have access to I tunes to let others rob me blind, and I get to use it for 6 months of continuous use.


Difference = I want to go to U.S Goddammit!!!


Back of the Box-art of Raven Squad, a game produced to make Gold out of Alcohol.


"Best of E3 200X, revolutionizing FPS games with Strategical game play BS...

... No Refunds for this Item."


(Moments after playing the game) : "Revolutionizing Game-Play my *SS... indecent yokel pricks..."



It's all money making, money making, ruling and money making. the Economical Geniuses use these Ploys to glorify their products, making you buy them and want more. and in the end, only you get the disadvantage. Paying 59.99$ Bucks for a game Per-Person? how is that fair?


Good Game Developer + 11160 Hours of Work (Four Years to Develop) + A share of the Pay Minus all Other Costs = 330,000$


Good Cop + 23400 Hours of Work (Four Years) + Wages = 62,400$


Good Laborer + 20000 Hours of Work (Four Years) + Wages = 26,000$


Good Teacher + 13200 Hours of Work (Four Years) + Wages = 145,200$


who is doing the hard work?

since ancient times Merchants were wealthy, and anyone that sells products is a merchant one way or another. pyramid companies, companies, company afflicts, PIRATES!!!

they are all economical geniuses, they trick you into buying by simply changing 2000.00$ to 1999.99$.


3D TVs, Bull Shi*. since avatar came out, every one wants one of these, thanks to avatar, THANKS TO AVATAR... I wonder if avatar got a piece of the share.


Microsoft is a good example, Launch Boards were Crap, they got people into buying XBOX 360 with Xenon Chip, then Falcon Chip, and at last, Jesper Chipset. I know one that had all 3 consoles of his R-ROD'ed.


Believe it or not, in the industrialized "1st" World you live in, it's easier to rob some schmuck blind with words and pictures than muscle, and geniuses rely on their muscle as a secondary option.

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When a looser is told to 'Get a life' No matter how much new 'stuff' he acquires, he will still be a looser until he learns to relate to people and not 'stuff'.


That´s the whole idea. What I meant, in my post, is that some people just "think" that they get an awsome life, if they buy all the newest fancy stuff.

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It's nothing new, people have always been concerned with having something better than everyone else around them. The only difference is that now a days people have excessive amounts of money to spend on the latest gadget that they'll only end up using for a few weeks before going and buying the next newest thing. This month it's the iPad, next month it's the Droid Slate (a whole 4 mm larger than the iPad).


If you really want to blame someone for it, blame parents who spoil their kids, and the opposite, since that's really where this behavior starts. Even if a kid doesn't watch any Television before he's 18, he'll still want to get every toy he sees and never be happy with what he has. Some people grow out of this, others don't.

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i dont see anyone to blame. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Because there is no one to blame, Neo-Mania only serves to help the advancement of technology; if Americans didn't buy the latest and greatest gadget available to us from our fellow countrymen then they would most likely not export it to the rest of the world, then there would be no next latest and greatest, and the US is the number one pioneer of a lot of tech related products, such as operating systems along with hardware.


nVidia, AMD, Intel, Apple, Microsoft, all US companies.

ATI is Canadian but owned by AMD now.

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Looks can be deceptively. No matter how much newest designer clothing a person wears and shows off the newest technologies on market are deceptive to the people of what the rally are. It doesn't matter the true soul and heart shine through that, and at least after 5 minutes of talking to such persons you know what they are. Some of them think on wealth and status and regard others that are not in their mind acceptable like a puddle peed on their designer shoes. I like that look on their faces if it comes up what they really are. And sometimes I feel sorry for those persons for the have to learn that money cannot buy true and honest friends. If they are in trouble the true friend will not show them their back and money can't buy that. In compensating the lack of a true own identity they've chosen the path of self deception. Horribili dictu... visu...



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The quest for novelty is not novel, and it isn't limited to humans.


It actually seems to correlate with intelligence (on a species, not individual, level). Species that are adept at problem solving and whose survival is boosted by their high adaptability, including humans, tend to have a very strong hunger for novelty, while animals that rely more on instinct, pattern, and the 'herd mentality' are less interested, even threatened by novelty.


I have a parrot, and as soon as she figures out a puzzle toy, she pretty much won't ever play with it again. She quickly gets bored with routine, but immediately picks up on anything that changes in her environment.


I've seen the same with dogs and cats, other species of birds, and it is documented in other very social animals as well. And of course, people.


There's a comparison that I've noticed over the years that makes sense of it. I have had aquariums pretty much all of my life. When I add anything new to a tank with fish that are assertive, territorial, with a strong individual streak, they immediately explore or investigate the new thing - it might be food, or have food hidden on it, it might be a good place to hide, etc. When I add something new, and equivalent to a tank with school fish (not the brightest of fish) they flee to the other side, wait and watch carefully - it might be a predator, it might be dangerous. Predators investigate novelty as an opportunity, prey see something new as a potential threat.




As far as people, go, one difference today is that in highly developed countries, people have an unprecedented and extraordinary access to new - new products, new information, new people, new games, new mods (I check the Oblivion New files page at least once a day), we have access to more novelty than people have at any other time in history. There's little need to learn to appreciate anything that has become too familiar, as previous generations did when technological and cultural changes propagated much slower. Not even considering the technological bleeding edge, there is more music, more literature, more art, more opinion, more science made available every day than any person could keep up with, much less catch up on everything that already exists.


Of course, levels of inquisitiveness vary from person to person. And if you are someone who feels that your technological cravings for the newest are causing you harm, try satisfying the itch for novelty in other, less expensive, ways. You could cook a new recipe for every meal, every day of your life, for example, and not try every recipe on the internet, and never get to all the recipes in books at the library. The same is true of music - between what is available inexpensively or free, one could fill every hour with music he/she hasn't heard for very little money. And the same is true of movies, and literature, and art, etc.

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Some people do seem to always want the latest gadgets, one of the latest being the Iphone. I haven't even upgraded my cell phone in 3 years, it doesn't even have internet access, because my company charges per minute or extra for unlimited internet. The only thing I use my cell phone for is to talk to people, it has a digital camera, but its junk. I don't even have any games on my cell phone. State of the art cell phones are more like hand held PCs, than actual phones, because talking to people is only one of a multitude of things the device can actually do.


I think a Neo-Maniac would be someone who spent 600 dollars on the first Iphone and as soon as the new one comes out, they are ready to pre-order the new one.


If someone handed me an Iphone or one of those Droids, I honestly wouldn't know how to use it.

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