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I thought about it, and I think I have a pretty cool mod suggestion for the modders out there (I don´t have any experience in modding). I think it hasn´t been done before, I searched on nexus and the workshop. It is related to quest markers. I think the quest markers in vanilla skyrim are really lousy because they clutter in your compass when they are activated at the same time, regardeless of the distance of the objective. the result is that only when you are really near the objective it starts to change size of the marker, while the others clutter around it making it really complicated and utterly unuseful and confussing. Although I hate this happening, I like very much to see all the active quest marker scattered all across skyrim because it helps to make a route in the map for better inmersion (I don´t like travel fast), so my mod suggestion is related to displaying the quest markers in the compass. I think it would be really cool that they displayed one at a time, depending on the distance they are from you, so you could first look the quest list and activate the ones you want to do. Then the mod identifies which one is the closest to get done and display only that quest marker, so you can chage your route dinamicly without necessarily seeing the quest list or and knowing that it will be the fastest and shortest way to get an objective done in the map. Then, when you finish that objective, it automaticly appears the next closest one for you to go, and in the screen appears the quest name and the objective you have to do next. But what happens if you want to continue to complete the quest of the objective that you have already done before? you just have to select the option on MCM to wait you until you complete the whole quest and then displays another quest and so on ... And also, what happens when you just dont feel like doing that closest next objective?. Well, there could be a hot key that let you skip that objective and move to the next one...


I know i can just select one quest and only that will apper on the compass, but the thing is to avoid that, so it does it automatically and knows which one is is the closest considering all the quest that you have active in the hole map


The benefits of that mod is that it shows a simpler compass, lets you time save and dinamicly change route without seeing the map, but already knowing that you are heading to the closest objective that you want to do, so when it finishes, then it displays the next closest objective that could be from another quest o the same one depending on what option you choose and if it is the closest one.


I think it would serve aswell to the people that use fast travel because you could choose the option of complete a whole quest before starting a new one so this could get you from a specific location to a distant one in the map. In this case you can use the fast travel feature.
Also, in any moment you can go wherever you like and just skip the current closest objective so it restarts and reevaluates your current position and determine from there the next objective.
I think it is very useful if you have lot of quests from a specific area. It helps you whether you fast travel or not.

So , that is my idea , thanks for reading, tell me what you think and what you would change to make it better.

sorry for the english, it´s not my native language

thank you mod comunity YOU RULE !

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