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Antagonizer port - Armor request / summon idea


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That's how I played through FO3 with the most amusement. Its basically a leather armor set made with exoskeleton ant pieces anyway so, its not implausible. I know you can't directly port it, I just meant that it already exists as so from a design stand point. I'm not thinking of a design that's too crazy either like the Collector armor from Mass Effect 2 for example.


As Ants are foragers / soldiers and work in together what would really be cool is a ranger summon. I mean, the armor is already in an 'animal theme' (though being an insect). Instead of summoning a wolf or bear pet, why not summon a giant ant? As there are spells to morph in giant spiders its not a stretch either. Again, nothing crazy with no special abilities or anything. Just a durable Ant pet (as its armored) that will charge and bite. Once again the perfect model exists in FO3.

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