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lever to portcullis scripting

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for some reason i cant get a lever to open a portcullis (the bars in fort ruins opened by nearby levers or pressure plates) and was wondering if there is a tutorial on it somewhere or if somebody can walk me tru the steps 1 by 1 so i can see what i did wrong. i just want a default lever to open a default portcullis. thats it. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: the worst part is the CS wiki doesn't seem to have ANYTHING on parenting.
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1. Place the portcullis

2. Place the lever

3. Double click portcullis (in the render window)

4. In the window that popped up, tick the "Persistent reference" box

5. Double click lever

6. In the window that popped up, go to the "Parent object" (or something like that) tab, click "Select in render window"

7. In the render window, select the portcullis


No need to script anything here. The default scripts will work just fine, you only have to link the two objects via parenting. :smile:

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out of curiosity if i set the enable state to opposit of parent will the portcullis start opened? i want it to be open initailly then closed from the inside with no way to open it from the outside.
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