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"traditional" ninja and equipment pack (please!)


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I've tried like hell for Oblivion, but all efforts have failed (although I have found some stuff to get by with); Skyrim on the other hand has very little to offer and if it is there it's too gaudy or broken. Hopefully we can get a kind soul to pick up the project here, in which case the pictures of what I'd like are below. Sorry for using links the way they are but I'm computer illiterate. If someone could put all of that together for me they'd be a god.


www.vintageninja.net/wp-content/uploads/ninja-isyo1.jpg (the guy's outfit, if you feel the need for female hood; use the guy's hood model)

An even better one would be to use my profile picture (with and w/o the mask) but I'm not sure which would be easier to code.


the pants and belt would also look better (waist to knee/shin) if done with this link below;



I'd like to make this weapon below (or one similar; traditionally wrapped black handle & plain black guard) two handed but be worn on

the side & edge-up. Which I understand requires animation changes. I can settle for a straight blade if need be, but I'd still like a longer




And a Japanese race that doesn't require other mods, I can deal with the base graphics fine.


Thanks be to the kind soul who takes up the project.

Edited by ArebasuShun
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