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Making a new perk for my final run through of New Vegas

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I'm currently making a perk(see title) and I need help implementing it in-game and I need some help on making the perk entries. Here is the perk(trait):


You are the fabled and feared Prickly Pear Puncher! You understand that nothing else matters except for the glorious Prickly Pear Fruit! Your ravenous consumption of the fruit has caused you to take on some traits of the Prickly Pear Cactus. You gain +5 Unarmed Damage, +10 to Unarmed, +10 to Survival, and start off with a whopping 300 Prickly Pear Fruits! However, being a cactus-man has its downsides, though. Your limbs break a lot easier than your human brethren, and all that psychotic rambling has made you a bit off putting, so you take a penalty to all social and mental skills(-20 Speech, Barter -10 Medicine, Science). However, you have learned the ways of the Pear Fruit and can now gain greater benefits from the greatest fruit ever created. (+10 HP/s from eating Pear Fruit, +10 DT, +5 DR, +3 Unarmed Damage while eating Prickly Pear Fruit)

I got the Unarmed Damage and Skill to work by using the Bobblehead Entry and Iron Fist. The rest is really confusing to me.

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Instead of making a quest, you should script it.

Begin onload


If player.hasperk perkref == 1

Player.additem pricklypearref 300





Should work. Af you are still experiencing crashes when you save, delete geck and reinstall, solves bugs temporarily.

Edited by thebestdamncourier
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