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OBMM acts weird


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Hi everybody ;]

Ok so I got OBMM for a month now, and I'm quite happy with the results

But there is this bug that drives me nuts

First, I create an OMOD - or simply drag the omod to my obmm/mods folder

When I activate it, it destracts normally, but when it comes to 99% I get some message related to string not found

The square in front of the OMOD then turns black, and all the data files are in my data folder - but OBMM doesn't recognise it as activated

When I activate it again, it tells me it cannot create a file that already exists ;/

The esp's are in my OBMM esp list thingy (I dont know it's name), and the OMOD name is after them, but when I remove the OMOD from my obmm/mods folder, the esps don't dissapear, and they are still linked to an OMOD not even in my data folder

Does anybody experience the same problems, or knows a solution?

Thank you very much ;D

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Welcome to the quirks of OBMM.


#1 string error - the OMOD probably has a bad OMOD script or something (If you have the latest version of OBMM installed, that is likely an issue...)


#2 incomplete installation - yup, OBMM leaves the stuff there, no clean up. It is not a "smart" utility, so conflict detection is bad and uninstalling mods is unreliable. When you see black, that is a bad sign. It is likely that when you attempt to activate the OMOD, the plugin will disappear all together, and then you have to reinstall a second time for the mod to actually install properly.


#3 Yeah, you have to uninstall mods before removing the OMOD or you will be annoyed. You should put that back, install, then uninstall to (not) ensure cleanup.


#4 Of course lots of people have these issues. It is part of the utility, no solution.


#5 To unlink a plugin, right-click on it and choose unlink. Then you can delete it without OBMM yelling at you.



As bad as it sounds, OBMM is a very useful utility. I have switched to installing 95% of my mods with BAIN, but there are features unique to OBMM that I cannot pass up. Installing mods (excepting shader editing mods) is not one of those features.


#7 Overlapping files - Let's say mod A installs some files for the vanilla body. Let's say mod B overwrites some files that A installed for compatibility with the HGEC body. Let's then say that you decide you do not want to use the HGEC body anymore, and so you uninstall mod B. Guess what, you load up your game and all of your body textures are screwy. Why? Because OBMM did not uninstall the textures from mod B. A is still using those files (even though they are not the version's that A actually installed.) Therefore, you have to reinstall A (and hopefully it is not overlapping with any mods that need to be installed after it. If you had BAIN you could use the anneal function to fix the installation after uninstalling the HGEC mod, not to mention that there is an auto-anneal function that would have kicked into action when you uninstalled the HGEC mod, alleviating you have that extra responsibility of remembering to perform the fix.)

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