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Item / NPC changes for various mods


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I'm fairly new to modding so I'm not too sure what I'm doing quite yet. I can, for the most part, understand everything that I'm seeing. The problem is reconstructing...


There's a few mods I'm trying to modify a bit just to add to immersion / make them flow better for my needs.


First off, I want to change two items from Dwemer Skyship (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30355)

Object Window -> Items -> Clothing




There's a few things I want to try to do with these items.

1) Reskin. I don't like the headbrace+body armor look to it. I want to slim this down significantly, but don't know how.

2) Instead of being upper body, I want to try to classify it as a ring, amulet, or tail. I know /how/ to do this, but I don't know if I can just classify it as that without editing anything else. What I mean to say is I don't know if it will display properly if I change it from Upper Body to Ring.


3) Add the parachute effect to another item (such as the apachii wings in http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13437). I would prefer the parachute effect over a flight mode, such as the one in Ring of Wings Leviathan (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7094). Maybe add a +500 fortify acrobatics for some awesome skydiving.

4) Maybe, if adding parachute effect to another item, remove the second item. I don't feel like learning how to animate flapping wings ; ]




Second, I want to learn how to reskin items. Any links to guides or an explanation posted would be greatly appreciated. While it would be awesome if someone wanted to do the work above for me, I'd still like to know how to do it myself just for the fun of it.




Third, I want to be able to npcs to a variety of home locations (Official: Battlehorn, Frostcrag) I tried doing this on my own, but it didn't quite work out... Housesitters, guests, additional guards, etc.




Fourth, I really need help on figuring out how to save the changes I make with TES Construction Set >.> I'm so used to there being a "Save As..." to avoid overwriting files. More importantly, all I know how to do is edit .esp files. I also don't really understand the File->Tools features that are listed but I'm sure they're amazing :V



Thanks for your help~

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