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Fallout 3 Cover System


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Okay, so I was playing Gears of War today, when I thought it would be so badass for it to be free-roam. Well then I thought, the next best thing would be Fallout 3 with a cover system! I know this could get very complicated, so it doesnt have to be perfect or anything. It would be fine if it only worked in third person view, because thats all I use anyway. The only way I see this possible is if a new animation is created that is activated when the player is near a wall. Then, when the player aims, the animation pops out of cover and there you have a cover system. Well, please tell me if this is possible or if its just false hope. Thanks for your time.
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If it affected just the player, there wouldn't be a point. Your enemies would just run around whatever rock you're hiding behind and smoke the poo out of you. for this to be effective there would have to be a change in gun-toating NPC's AI to favor this new function. In shooters like GOW, cover system isn't there just to be an option. This function is vital to your survival in those kinds of games, and enemies' AI's are programmed to favor it just as much as you.


As for hope, the way you explain it sounds plausible, and NPC AI modding is old news. I myself am no modder, but I think it can be done.

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It seems like it could be done. But even in commercial games cover system is very buggy and requires a LOT of testing.


A lot of modders wouldn't see the point in coding the Gamebryo engine just for the possibility of a cover system, only for it to be exceptionally buggy and really not that worth the effort.

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  • 3 years later...
If there was a mod for Fallout 3 that did this, it would be a big incentive to get Fallout 3. The VATS system which I hate the look (I am not a blood and guts kind of person, I don't like seeing the person being killed by my bullet first hand.), and the lack of any sort of cover systems (when I am being fired at, I like to take cover, and I don't like getting into my enemies faces. On top of that I am not good at strafing) were the major drawbacks that prevented me from getting it in the first place. Edited by brianiangoodman
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