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Custom Bound Items


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I'm trying to learn how to script a bound armor spell so as to affeect my transformation spell (turns hands into claws) and I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand. How do I script a custom bound armor spell?


And, yes, I checked the CS wiki. It has nothing for summons SPELLS, just rings, which no doubt work diferently.

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You are in luck, because while I have hardly ANY modding knowledge; I in fact DO know how to do this. It's very simple. It can be done two ways. One is probably more preferable to you as you can actually use the spell at spellmaking altars. Do you already have a model of your desired claws?
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I do, indeed. However, as I understand it, making the spell usable at an altar would require changing a vanilla effect, and messing with overhauls. I don't really want to do that,
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That would, however, Bethesda generously left a few Extra Summons in the magic effects list for adding things like this. It's really useful. There are some for armor, weapons, and creatures. Changing these has no effect on vanilla oblivion.


Actually, I just realized that probably won't work. The spell would have to equip gauntlets (the visual claws) on you and let you do damage (invisible weapon that lets you cause damage when swinging claws). So unless you made some genuinely clever claws that appear as your hands but fill your weapon slot and not your gauntlet slot, it will have to be a script effect. Which is easy, possibly easier, but you won't be able to make it at altars.

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Ok, well I tested it with slof's claws. Here's how to do it:

1.Make a weapon with no nif file that is one handed, has a reach of about 0.6 and a speed of about 1.5, make the baseID whatever you want, I'll call it BoundClaw.

2.Make a clothing item using the nif for your claws, make it for the hand slot. uncheck playable. baseID is your choice again, I'll call it VisibleClaw.

3.open a new script, make sure you select magic effect as your type. Your script should read like this:


scn [whatever you name the script]Script

begin scripteffectstart

player.additem BoundClaw 1

player.additem VisibleClaw 1

player.equipitem BoundClaw 1

player.equipitem VisibleClaw 1



begin scripteffectfinish

player.removeitem BoundClaw 1

player.removeitem VisibleClaw 1



Ok, now you have your script. Make a new spell, name it whatever. add a new effect and go to script effect on the list of effects. In the script box, find the script you made. In the textbox where it says Script Effect, type in something like Bound Claws [it will show up in game as Bound Claws on self, instead of Script Effect on self] of course, make sure it's set for cast on self, set a duration. Save it, give it to a spell vendor. Buy it, kill stuff.

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