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What happened to nTex?!


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So, after trying to get all my mods back because of a windows 8 crash, I realized after booting up xcom and seeing the ugly icons I forgot nTex. Get onto nexus and I can't find where it went. Did a google search for the link, but the mod page says...


"This file is currently under review by a moderator and is not open for public access. Please do not contact the staff or the owner of the file regarding this issue unless you are the file owner or you might be penalised by the staff of the site."


What the crap is this about? If the author made all the art himself, what could possibly be wrong with the file!

Edited by Luix
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My bad, I haven't checked the mod page for a few days.


I'm guessing this is part of the new scanning system Nexus has implemented for the files. When I uploaded the latest version the files got flagged by their virus scanners because of the inclusion of TexMod. I contacted the mods and they set it as a false-positive and everything was fine. They've been gradually going through scanning old uploads though, and I have a couple of older versions of the mod that were uploaded before the scanning process. I'm guessing it's come across these and flagged them again. I'll be contacting the site staff after I post this and getting it sorted ASAP!

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