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Custruction set Questions


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I want to make a new camp site because i dont like the locations of the ones already in game.


what i need to know:

1. how do i add a map marker for fast traveling and to show up on the compass

2. how do i enable the viewing of grass in the CS so i can see clearings

3. how do i remove grass to make clearings.



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This video worked for me when I was setting up a map marker. www.youtube.com/watch?v=skiqAsFjzmk


I do not know how to do what you describe with the grass and I actually need to do the same thing. Hopefully someone will answer that part.


Good luck,


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I haven't watched the video on map markers so I'm assuming it tells you what you need to know.


Here's a Basic Landscaping tutorial which is easy to follow.



As far as I'm aware you can't enable the grass in the render window, but if you select a particular ground texture in the render window with the editing window open (press H) it will show if it has grass or not when the name is highlighted. For example...any texture without grass will have NoGrass at the end of the name and these are what you'd use for paths and around your camp tents.


Edit: There are only a certain number and type of ground textures you can use per cell, but the tutorial will tell you that.

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