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Me Again


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Yes, I'm again having issues with All Natural. I love this mod, but dammit, it just gives me nothing but trouble. Or possibly, other mods give me trouble.


Anyway, I have the random weather changes again when changing cells. Now, just so you know, I did have this mod working. But I got curious with Open Cities Classic and now the issues have cropped up.


IDK what to do besides chucking one or the other - which I don't want to do. I'd like to get them to play nicely.


I looked for patches, but the only suggestion was to have the C:Climate tag on All Natural, but I already have that.


Any suggestions?


EDIT: Well, unfortunately, Open Cities Classic was the problem. I deactivated and its patches, and All Natural worked just fine. I'm terribly saddened by this, as I really would like to use both, but no dice.


I was having some strange graphical glitches after I installed OCC anyway, so, whatever...


Maybe someone can still offer me some advice.

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Arthmoor works on both (and is the main author of one.) You should post in the mod's official thread on the BethSoft forum. You will get the quickest answer that way.


Instead of making a new topic, I'll just ask this here.


If I don't get an answer, I'll try the bethesda forums like you suggested.


Now, with OCC, I have an issue with Clocks of Cyrodiil. Only one, the clock tower in Leyawiin seems to be placed where another object is clipping through. I do have the correct compatability patches installed, so IDK what to do; as usual.

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Arthmoor works on both (and is the main author of one.) You should post in the mod's official thread on the BethSoft forum. You will get the quickest answer that way.


Instead of making a new topic, I'll just ask this here.


If I don't get an answer, I'll try the bethesda forums like you suggested.


Now, with OCC, I have an issue with Clocks of Cyrodiil. Only one, the clock tower in Leyawiin seems to be placed where another object is clipping through. I do have the correct compatability patches installed, so IDK what to do; as usual.

That is definitely a question for the OC thread. The issue could be something else in your load order. I am not sure, and I really need to sleep.



I hope all goes well!

- Tomlong54210

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