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Black Faces Problem - Divine Avenger CM Partners.


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I've just installed Raewyn and TiamsGirls. Both Hitomi, Rin and other characters Tamara & Aliyah work flawlessly.

I've had troubles with Raewyn and Moonlight having black faces from the start, The eyes work ok, hair works ok, bodies, armour, CM commands are working, just no face texture, solid black.


After alot of reading and downloading and installing I managed to fix Raewyn, I think it was possibly by replacing some files with 1 of NEC's Elf packs, Then adding the Elf-Remakes over that, But I'm not at all sure exactly how I did it.


I've also tried reinstalling Rens_Beauty_Pack-4431, Natural_Faces_v95-1965.

Again, no success, I reinstalled TiamsGirls after that, still black faces.

In the OMM Conflict Detector the entry for "DATiamsGirls.esp + Record Group (GMST)" says:


Record type: Game Setting (GMST)

EDID: sRaceFemaleUpperBodyModel


Overrides original entry in 'DARaewyn.esp'

Warning: This FormID is specified in multiple esps, but is not defined in any active master files


I've tried serveral different over-writes, uninstalls, reinstalls, etc.

I've disabled DARaewyn.esp in OMM but still I can not get Moonlight's face to show correctly.


Please can anyone attempt to help me fix this somehow? Any clues as to what I could do?

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Thanks for quick reply. Where might I find these 'normal maps'? any specific pack I should be looking in? - Are normal maps Textures or Meshes or ???


Could you give me an example of a common normal map file please? I have plenty of 7z, Rar & Zip files to check through.

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Ahhh thank you very much, I found a file called Face_Textures-21531.7z - which has 'Head Textures' in there.

I copied the 'Nec Mystic Dark Elf-Remake' files from there to "/Data/Textures/DATiamsgirls" and it's fixed!


Thank you very much Tom Long!

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  • 9 months later...

Question, what if you have the face_n files (at least I have a "Nec mystic darkelf remake" folder in textures/characters with it, and one in the DATiam folder too) and they still have black faces? At least Moonlight and Eluna. I haven't found all of the companions I have loaded yet so I'm unsure just how many of them have this problem, but so far out of around 20 or 30, only those 2 have the kind of black faces resulting from some kind of problem. Clair, for instance just has an eye problem, which I hopefully fixed earlier tonight...


(addition) Seems to only be with 4 of the custom races too, 2 of which happen to be Mystic Dark Elf remakes, 1 that also has an eye problem, and the others (don't remember how many that was) have no problem.

Edited by SythKainyn
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