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I Lost Shadowmere....

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The directory that you installed Oblivion to, that contains Oblivion.exe.


i have placed the file "s_m" in the oblivion folder and went into the game, to fort farrugt where you obtain shadowmere and typed in "bat s_m.txt." it gave me a bunch of error messages and nothing happened.


what am i doing wrong??

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What are the error messages?


when i put in "bat s_m.txt." this is what occurs specifily...


>32bf5.setpos x 133183

Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun' , line 1:

Script command "32bfs.septos" not found.

>32bf5.setpos y 99689

Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun' , line 1:

Script command "32bfs.septos" not found.

>32bf5.setpos z 11070

Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun' , line 1:

Script command "32bfs.septos" not found.

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Okay, plan B. If we can't move the horse, let's move the player:


player.moveto 32bf5


ok...big problem. in my efforts to get shadowmere back, i tried using various call steed mods, one of which gives you a ring called horse whisperer (call steed 3.0a) this ring when equiped causes all owned horses to follow you if they are within 7000. when th ering is equiped, it tells you which horses cant hear you. so, i rode around till i got to a point where it didnt say that shadowmere couldnt hear me, which means he could hear me. he didnt come, however, and i lookde for him and could not find him. this area he was supposedly in was the chestnut handy stables outside the imperial city. when i typed in ur command "player.moveto 32bf5" i was moved to the chestnut handy stables, but shadowmere was not there!! could he be invisible somehow? is there a ressurection command prompt? what does it mean!?! this must be where he is at, or at least his unseeable data code, just not his physical in game being...any other ideas?


thanks for the continued help and support!! :)

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Tried looking underground? Issue the command along with "TCL," and start going straight down.


If you find the horse, open the console, click on him, and issue "setatstart." Shadowmere will now be at Fort Farragut, near the entrance.



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