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Mages: from overpowered to underpowered...


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Has anyone else noticed this?


I have balance and difficulty tweak mods that reduced elemental damage done by you by 75%. I have Wynne right now and she is a great healer...and that is all,


Does anyone else agree that in the quest for balance mages got ripped off?

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Has anyone else noticed this?


I have balance and difficulty tweak mods that reduced elemental damage done by you by 75%. I have Wynne right now and she is a great healer...and that is all,


Does anyone else agree that in the quest for balance mages got ripped off?


Perhaps in the mod you are using. The primary problem with balancing the mage class comes not the individual power of their spells - although, in some cases they are ridiculously broken - but from their flexibility. Warriors and Rogues are bound by having to specialize in a given set of fighting, and thus are limited in what they can do. Mages on the other hand are not bound by this specialization structure. Thus the problem comes between having to balance the narrow specializations of Warriors and Rogues against the vast repertoire of options available to the Mage. As a result, some balancers choose to have the Mage trade their potency for versitility.

If I were to go about trying to balance the Mage I would opt to split the class in two and create a specialization structure similar to that of the Warrior and Rogue. However, this type of drastic balancing isn't really necessary in practice as DAO is a non-competitive single player only game.

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Has anyone else noticed this?


I have balance and difficulty tweak mods that reduced elemental damage done by you by 75%. I have Wynne right now and she is a great healer...and that is all,


Does anyone else agree that in the quest for balance mages got ripped off?


Perhaps in the mod you are using. The primary problem with balancing the mage class comes not the individual power of their spells - although, in some cases they are ridiculously broken - but from their flexibility. Warriors and Rogues are bound by having to specialize in a given set of fighting, and thus are limited in what they can do. Mages on the other hand are not bound by this specialization structure. Thus the problem comes between having to balance the narrow specializations of Warriors and Rogues against the vast repertoire of options available to the Mage. As a result, some balancers choose to have the Mage trade their potency for versitility.

If I were to go about trying to balance the Mage I would opt to split the class in two and create a specialization structure similar to that of the Warrior and Rogue. However, this type of drastic balancing isn't really necessary in practice as DAO is a non-competitive single player only game.


The solution for me was to up the spell power...hehe.

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Has anyone else noticed this?


I have balance and difficulty tweak mods that reduced elemental damage done by you by 75%. I have Wynne right now and she is a great healer...and that is all,


Does anyone else agree that in the quest for balance mages got ripped off?


Coming from the perspective of someone about 60% through his first go-around with the game:


I would say balance and difficulty is one thing I am finding something of an issue thus far. The added leveling that comes from dong DLC stuff paired with good gear has translated to my team just not having enough trouble, my rogue's defense is so high she can evasion tank while my tank (main's) mitigation and defense make all but the toughest fights forgettable. I sometimes pop a heal, but it's been forever since I can recall using a poltice other than splash damage on the mage.


I reckon I probably should have started at the absolute toughest difficulty from the start

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