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MiddleEarth Role Playing (MERP)


A Total Conversion for Oblivion




Welcome to the Middle-Earth Roleplaying - There and Back Again (MERP). This is a Total Conversion for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, based on the magnificent world of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings. We are planning to add all of Middle-Earth in it's entirety, obviously including such places as the Shire, Rohan, Rhovanion, Gondor, Mordor, Harad and many other locations!



Latest News


24th March 2010: The patch for our latest Beta has just been released. You can get it from our development forum.


20th March 2010:

- Progress is going fine after our latest release: the region of Minhiriath, Blackroot Vale and the White Mountains were finished, and on some other regions like the Falls of Rauros, Emyn Muil, Ithilien or Harondor are already quite far in development. Additionally we are making nice progress on Moria, creating lots of custom armors and clothes and are working hard on our proper soundtrack.

- However we always would be happy about the help of dedicated modders! Just have a look at the next section to see examples of what needs to be done. ;)




With a heightmap over 7 times the size of Cyrodiil we always have lots of things to do. Here are just a few examples:


- Landscaping and Region Generation: Mordor, Fangorn, Dunland, certains parts of Rohan, Tolfalas, Belfalas, Forlindon, Misty Mountains, ...

- Interiors and NPCs: lets populate Bree and the Shire (we already have a beautiful tileset for Hobbit holes) and build Moria

- Modelling: custom armor (long list), architecture and tilesets (Angmar, Lothlorien, cities in southern Gondor like Pelargir, ...)


If you would like to help please post an application HERE!


For a lot of screenshots and videos visit our Ning Page over HERE.



Jnor (team leader)

names_are_useless (administrator)










Captain Iglo




Dark Lord


Large Jack


middle earths' bane






Poco Loco


The Grey Wizard





Our Goal


Our goal as a team is to realize the world of J.R.R. Tolkien as closely as we can to his vision. We hold the lore to a very high standard and will generally not compromise the lore as often as we can. We do use the visual appearance of the films, but if there is a conflict then we usually take the books over the movies. We work very hard to bring a quality product that matches the same level, if not surpassing, the original Oblivion game. We want to make our work look as though professional game developers have created this, an open-world Middle Earth RPG like no other!


Currently, we have a completed heightmap of Middle Earth (over 7 times the size of Cyrodiil!) and mainly working on landscaping. We have also started work on interiors, new playable races, new weapons and armor, and have started the epic script for our main questline, where the player can play the role of the Ringbearer!



Download the MERP BETA


MERP Beta version 0.2.4 is our most recent release! You can download it from Tesnexus or TES Alliance! Be sure to get the latest patch too.


More Information

MERP Developer Forum (mainly for developer talk, but also a section for public viewing and posting)

MERP Ning website (contains lots of MERP screenshots, videos, and other media)

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