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longsword being two handed


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hi need help.. for a script or mod to optionally make Longswords two handed to be able to use the two handed skill tree for the great sword...(LongSword) which is the right size for a two handed...the great sword is too awkward or too oversized...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, While I most definitely won't disagree with en4cer, as he probably knows something that I dont... :wink: I myself haven't seen a mod for that.


I do have a question for you tho. Are you just wanting to replace the 2h swords with different models, as there is a 1h model that you want to use? Or is it just because the 2h models are too big?


If it's the latter- I have an easy solution for you :wink: :biggrin:

Here's a tutorial that I wrote for you on how to resize them to a size of your own liking- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=41

Not very much of a learning curve to it at all, and it should take you about 2 minutes per weapon (depending on how fast your game loads up, it could take more).


HA! Interesting trivia.... the upload number for the article is the same as the upload number for DAtool, which you'll need to DL to do this! "41" Interesting coincidence!

Hrm. Oddly enough, the same number as my current kudos. Very odd coincidence. Maybe it's some kinda sign, hahaha.

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Nonono... I was serious! I havent been paying as much attention to the mods section as I did when I was playing the game. So I was serious. You probably do know of one that's slipped past me recently :smile: :wink:
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Well, what started it was having to reinstall the game three times to get rid of patch 1.03/DAA.




Combined with the constant lag and game crashes in orzammar and denerim, and the fact that I'd done everything at least 6 times, and well.... I just got bored with it :wink:

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i'v been using patch 1.3 and i never noticed any probs, then again i heard people complain about it ......so whats the go what is wrong with that patch anyway ?
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You've been really lucky then, amigo.



too much to list. there's a couple of really huge threads about it over on social.bioware.

breaks a lot of mods, keeps a lot of stuff from loading, chargen issues, chargen issues, (yes, I listed that twice!) makes your character pop in nude into DAA (depending on what armor you Were wearing), causes some graphics issues with weapons/armors, just to throw a short version.

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