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Skyrim Crashes at Start up!


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Skyrim was running fine for me for a while now until today. Thats when it started crashing at startup, not even getting to the Bestheda logo. Thought it was the cause of a corrupted save. So I deleted my save. Still crashed. Thought it was one of my mods. So I unistalled mods one by one till they were all gone. Still crashed. Got rid of the unofficial patches, SKSE, EVERYTHING. Still crashed. Thought I had a corrupted file, so I unistalled and reinstalled. STILL CRASHES. I've ran out of ideas as to why its happening! I need help!

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It's a load order issue. If you start the game via the regular game launcher Steam has a habit of re-ordering your plugins. This will often cause CTD on startup. You can use NMM to install and then use LOOT to sort your load order. Then use SKSE cos it does all sorts of wonderful things including providing an alternate way to launch the game.

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It's a load order issue. If you start the game via the regular game launcher Steam has a habit of re-ordering your plugins. This will often cause CTD on startup. You can use NMM to install and then use LOOT to sort your load order. Then use SKSE cos it does all sorts of wonderful things including providing an alternate way to launch the game.

How can it be a load order issue when it crashed with just vanilla Skyrim?

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If you did not uninstall completely and then reinstall the game it is not vanilla. So, aye: uninstall via Steam. Then delete the skyrim folder. Then go into your documents/mygames/skyrim folder and delete your ini's. Hell, if you don't care about old saves just delete the skyrim folder there too. Then reinstall.

Edited by WHITELION1284
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