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Load order help requesting kindly


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Remove that Morrowind thing unless you know it is compatible with FCOM. Is does not sound like it, but I have not insight at all for that mod.


Bashed Patch - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/finishinstall/bashedpatch <-- FCOM has some specific tagging requirements



Edit: That Morrowind mod definitely cannot stay where it is. You should really have installed Basic FCOM first. If FCOM is not working (and you cannot really tell) having other mods thrown in with it is just going to make a more complicated mess. Outside of that Morrowind mod, your LO looks okay, but I do not recognize all of the mods you are using.

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Ok Iv taken the Wounding Mod out from the load order. Gonna quickly try it out.


The game works perfectly with just basic FCOM, most of the mods I have I downloaded from TES but some I used from the FCOM wiki pages.

I really dont mind having to take a few more out if it makes the game more stable. :)



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It is not about whether or not those mods CAN be run with FCOM. You need to learn about making a stable setup, and discipline yourself to add slowly to that setup so that you do not all of a sudden find your game has broken, with no clue which mods you should start looking at. That load list looks fine. Make sure you rebuild your bashed patch EVERY time you make changes to your load order.
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I ran into problems last night with constant CTD and the Imperial Guards running around like crazy not talking to me when I tried. One was even stuck in a cycle of taking out weapon, putting it away taking out a torch.

Also the guards kept using the torch during the daytime.


I decided to totally remove Oblivion from my system and start the install again...slowly this time, One mod at a time (like suggested on your website "TESIV:POSItive" which is very discriptive.


One thing I didnt understand on your site however was under the bashed patch section.


# Import Factions - check your overhauls' readmes

* OOO with Other Overhaul: uncheck OOO ESP and OOO ESM here


# Import Relations - check your overhauls' readmes

* OOO with Other Overhaul: uncheck OOO ESP and OOO ESM here

I shouldnt click these options for the FCOM install or any install which has another overhaul mod including OOO, example MMM or Frans? or even the FCOM.


# Tweak Clothes

# Tweak Names

# Tweak Settings

# COBL Catalogs


Under these options do I click anything or not as on some you have given direction like "safe" or a note explaining what to do. These being blank are ok to click or shouldnt click? :)


Im installing Oblivion (trying at least) exactly how you have explained on your site so hopefully it works :D


I have another machine with a Quad Core AMD 9500 X4 processor would it be ok to Install oblivion on that computer instead?


Thank you very much for all your help.

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OOO with Other Overhaul mean OOO with other overhauls. What is confusing? FCOM is OOO+at least two other overhauls. Most run FCOM with four overhauls, including OOO. If use use FCOM or MMMforOOO, do not check OOO there.


Those other settings are optional. Did you read them? I cannot give instructions on what to check. That AMD Quad Core is only 2.2GHz per core. Would that be an improvement? You did not say what your current processor is. If it is at least a dual core, and faster than 2.2GHz, stay on that one.

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