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more insane shivering isle?


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i was kind of disapointed that sheograths "madhouse" was incredibly tame, so i propose someone makes something like this



in mania the grass should be different colours, and glow in the dark

in dementia it should be black, and some of the textures could be replaced with oblivion wastelands textures


in mania the caps on the giant mushrooms should glow


all the mania plants should be glowing,they should occasionally laugh at you you

in dementia they should look more menacing


the strange dots flying around should be brighter


all the mania monsters should be looking ridiculously happy, while in dementia more evil


npcs should occasionally explode with laughter/things that make you say wtf/suicidal quotes

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Actually, I do agree with you there. I was expecting something like a cross between Lewis Carrols's Wonderland and an LSD trip.


Also, all the giant mushrooms should have faces, the mania ones smiling, the dementia laguhing.


And they should move.

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Doable. Some things already sway a bit, hanging corpses, for example. And inanimate obects that open and close their mouths exist; I think it was Ghogiel that made a book do that,
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