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Oblivion Tweaking?


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Ok, I have a REALLY nice computer (it's amazing and can do everything :biggrin: ) and before I start playing Oblivion again I want to make it look as nice as possible. Can someone link me to a step by step guide of tweaking Oblivion's ini file so that my game will be even more amazing/ tell me what to tweak? :tongue: I'd really appreciate it...
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Do not go crazy tweaking your INI file.


Installing Oblivion - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/install <-- See the "last step of installing Oblivion"


You can find more stabilization and optimization suggestions in the first post of my site's thread (toward the bottom) but you should read Preparing for Mods before doing anything else to your setup. You should have the utilities necessary to manager your modded setup before you do (or can do) much tweaking.



Edit: The Oblivion section of TweakGuides.com is outdated. Some of the Oblivion.ini tweaks there are still applicable, but there are more current resources elsewhere. I cannot say anything about the system and video card, and my site does not cover the tweaks outside of Oblivion.

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