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Modding Races

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No, I feel embarrassed because I have made my own personal patch to give all of the humanoid races there own face textures. This is not new territory for me. I am just cursing my lack of brains. Thanks for being nice about it though, haha. I have also spent a lot of time looking at these guys in TES4Edit. Geez! that was a lapse of memory. I mean, I copy Robert's male body replacer changes into RBP every time I install that plugin (though now it is finally backed up with the changes, thankfully...)
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Thanks to everybody who helped me out here. I'm going to try greenwarden's advice, and just back up and replace the textures. BTW, I use robertsmalev4, so there is a difference between the imperial and woodelf textures. find that the imperial body texture from roberts is... a bit off for the race I am trying to mod. Too bulky and hairy...
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I still recommend TES4Edit in that case. If I am just swapping texture files among existing races, that's how I do it. It takes only a minute or two once you get used to it.



Edit: TES4Edit automatically makes backups of any modified plugins when you save and exit, as well.


Edit: Since you are using v4, you may want to try this - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19533 <-- Better Necklines


I use v5...

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lol, I would use v5, but... I can't find it. Actually, I can't find any of roberts male replacers anymore, only reason i am using v4 right now is because I had a backup from my earlier days of oblivion. (made a back up because I didn't know if I would like v5... turned out to be a life saver after my hd wiped)
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Download Mods - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/downloadmods <-- I love Robert's mods, so you can find the links to all of the latest (main) mods here. I have even written OMOD installation instructions with a script for it


Thanks a lot, got that page bookmarked now ;)


Also, thanks again for all your help. I would like to spend a lot of time learning to mod, but I'm going to school in August, and, well... the time won't be there, I think. Never the less, I plan to keep at it, and I'm glad the TES modding community is as good as it is.

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