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Why can't we get along?


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(I'll appreciate that insults and religion are left out of this, thank you.) World peace, not exactly realized huh? Being the highly advanced creatures we are today, can someone explain why it's so hard not to resort to violence, and treat each other with respect?
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(I'll appreciate that insults and religion are left out of this, thank you.) World peace, not exactly realized huh? Being the highly advanced creatures we are today, can someone explain why it's so hard not to resort to violence, and treat each other with respect?


There are many different answers to almost every problem which can arise in life, but look at the Republicans and Democrats, for the most part one thinks the other is racist and evil and thus their opinion doesn't matter so most of their time is spent trying to prove they're racist and evil, and the other believes their opponents are stupid and their choices are based on DEERRR BEING SO STUPID.


But those aren't static, they change from president to president, Dems used to be Anti-War when Nixon was president but then Pro-War and Pro-Torture with Clinton then back to Anti-War and Anti-Torture with Bush and now they're Pro-War again with Obama, the problem is that Anti-War, Pro-War, for the most part they're just tools used by a party to get votes, the whole point is to make people think that a certain color is right all the time, and when it's wrong it's really right because the other color is MORE WRONG.


There's hardly any real debate, people pick colors, Red or Blue, thinking that those colors (parties) represent their views, when in fact it does change a lot case by case, people wind up fighting more over colors then real opinions on issues, and wind up changing their own opinions to fit the colors they support.



But my point wasn't about politics, it's about how people are ignorant, and the people who aren't ignorant are Anti-Ignorant, so for example, most people don't trust dictatorships, but somebody who is Anti-Ignorant would trust them over free governments and media, they've got some type of crazy inverto-vision when it comes to politics, they say Radial Christianity is more serious in todays world than Radical Islam, and that if they can prove it can be a problem then by extension Radical Islam is not a problem, but I won't get into that and please don't reply to it.



So being ignorant is one element of it, the other is that we produce too much adrenaline, we become stupid at times and do stupid, illogical things.

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first you must learn to respect yourself and nature oyu must swim in gratitude you rbody must be embodiement of joy then you rdy.


otherwise there is an ignroance and it hurts and why exactly does it hurt?


i dont need to write a book for you for you have it all in you.


go out and see this.

be the world within you.


loose the story.



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depending where you stand this already qutie the bomb. do whatever you have to? be what already is. what you think is more supreme.

the being or the process.

eventually the process culminates into the being. the alchemy of course has to happen in you. its nothing like that what you think. it is nothing like what any book has to say to you except that isby omsone who already completed the alchemy as it can be transmitted by written wrod also in email. just anything.


yeah? i mean what do poeple think this is all the time. lol.


if you to busy chances are this will take you another 20 years to understand.


thus dont run away from any pains you may have. stay true to yourself.

its what this society does and it has not helped them one bit except to realise they must deal with that is there. it is all supressed here as you can also see in words of pioltics and all but hell dont wanna go there. it is not important to know this for you. beware reading newspaper. you forget your life and become like them. focus on what is in the moment and you will become like space.


no joking try htis out and see. also you understand science much better as opposed to not living this in actualisation.

simply stay detached. all is gonna fly to you.


happy laughing and confusion no more.


poeple think they are smarter then the laws of physics. revelation. no you not. :laugh:


objectified truth dont count. depends where you stand that is what counts.

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first you must learn to respect yourself and nature oyu must swim in gratitude you rbody must be embodiement of joy then you rdy.


otherwise there is an ignroance and it hurts and why exactly does it hurt?


i dont need to write a book for you you have it all in you.


go out and see this.

be the world within you.


loose the story.



This seems like obvious stuff, be happy, be nice, don't hate yourself, be grateful, don't be ignorant, and then some none-sense about the world being "within you", it's like babies first poem it's so generic and pointless.


There are many different ways of forming wise sentences, one of the most low-brow is just throwing together cryptic phrases and hoping the reader gets something from it, half the time it's too cryptic to mean anything, sometimes it's not too cryptic and people get the general idea but it's kind of just stating the obvious, but sometimes, rarely, the reader gets something inspirational from it, but the problem is that the writer rarely really fully knew that inspirational interpretational element of it when they wrote it, and if they did then they should've just outright said what the point is, don't hide it within none-sense and incomprehensible babble.


Let me give an example.


"The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error." - John Stuart Mill


See, that made a lot of sense, although a little verbose, any reader can understand it.

Here's how Mark Twain words something like that.


"It were not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion that makes horse races." - Mark Twain


It's almost artful how he can say things, so simple and materialistic, yet still containing the same knowledge of the more verbose version.


So now, what you said is pretty much that we should become better than what we are, that knowledge is covered in garbage crypticism in your post which only serves to hide the point.


Here's how John Stuart Mill would word what you said.


"What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their inability to act according to their beliefs." - John Stuart Mill


Here's how Mark Twain would word something like what you said.


"If we were supposed to talk more than listen we would have been given two mouths and one ear." - Mark Twain



secret is simply to give onto it. regardless of the situation trust. it will make you meek of heart.


I don't fully understand that, also, don't double post.

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Hoshi likes writing his version of Haiku's....don't worry you will get used to them, you may never understand them but I do not think that is his intent either.


Why is there no peace on Earth? Well the short answer is that it is not within man's nature to be at peace. The long answer is far more complex. We are evolved from predator apes, so maybe in a another million years if we survive them there might be peace, however I tend to doubt it. War has been one of the most creative impetuses for most of man's achievements, I don't see that changing. I could go on to a long dialectic supporting my thesis but that would just be a polemic exercise. I would just rather say that peace is something only the dead have permanently, strife is the lot of the living.

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yes man cannot be peace, because man is a process, but what does the process culminate into?




i could end right here and now and prolly it would be for the best but anyway.


im afraid you dont seem to get it cause you probably never asked this to yourself so it does not mean anyhting to you.


so you may think all that knowledge is objectified, but this is not true.


i mean to really know you is joy.


joy and knowing are no diffrent.



whoever told you it is diffrent is a big idiot as it cuts you off from your own feeling.




so this is not what this is intended for. another thing to archive and boohoo goodbye. how easy.

just taint it black and white.





nature gives us a slap everytime we do this. that slap you recieved but probably dont notice because you learned to effectivly supress it.


poeple are rewarded for it. kinda awkward but you can see it almost everyhwere.



in truth you cannot put any joy nor any suffisticated knowledge into that.


the jar has to be broken.


to sense whats deeper and not just take everyhting for granted that is what hti is about.


be open to the experience wihtout having to immediatelly judge.



like are your cell vibrating with joy? can you feel that within and without?


it is what discern knoweldgeable from dull.




the ididot has to constantly strive for it via xx drugs alcohol whatever and never question himself or his sourroundings.


that is how poeple are being brainwashed.

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yes man cannot be peace becausse man is a process.

but what does the process culminate into ?????????

can you know this ?????

this the most basic test of intelligence. im afraid you dont got it cause you never askerd this to yourself.

you mixing up objectified truth with where you stand.

to really know is joy.

joy and knowing are not diffrent.

that is what einstein say so cheerish the man every life withotu understanding go on.


Do you consider this a rebuttal? Questioning an other's intelligence because they do not agree with you is not an argument. I thought better of you, I'm disappointed.

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Because humans, by nature are selfish, greedy, lustful, and violent. It is only as a requirement of living within society, or absolute devotion to philosophies which are based on pacifism or renunciation that some of these impulses are controlled. And likewise, the degree to which these things are controlled, mediated, or directed is dictated by that society and/or the philosophies that the person is a part of.


To a normal person, cannibalism is an evil, unthinkable act, but to someone who lives in a culture that promotes cannibalism, it's a sacred and important event.


We don't have peace because nobody can agree specifically to what is and is not allowed to occur in the world, and even in the deciding of what is and is not allowed, personal politics or greedy motivations usually get in the way, which leads to laws that just don't work, or aren't acceptable/enforceable.

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To a normal person, cannibalism is an evil, unthinkable act, but to someone who lives in a culture that promotes cannibalism, it's a sacred and important event.


We don't have peace because nobody can agree specifically to what is and is not allowed to occur in the world, and even in the deciding of what is and is not allowed, personal politics or greedy motivations usually get in the way, which leads to laws that just don't work, or aren't acceptable/enforceable.


I do believe there is some truth we can find in the world, there is moral relativism between groups of people, but I still believe people are just in questioning the actions and morals of others based on a few general universal human rules and morals, those being:


  • The valuing and protection of our own lives and by empathy those of others.
  • The valuing of our own kind over other kinds and species.
  • The betterment of our own lives and through empathy that of people like us, and to an extent that of mankind.


These rules create a system, a game system of sorts, in which we live and can gain success often through the betterment of other peoples lives and mostly those of people like us. A team like system in which countries try to help their own people, and through competition mankind is bettered through knowledge.


But there is selfishness, although I do believe in freedom and equality to an extent, but not equality of original conditions, we could share the pie between a million people, but then that wouldn't be much of a pie, now would it.


In other words I'm not a communist or socialist, although I am not vigorously opposed to them, the world does need to be bettered, which is why Mexico deports illegal immigrants from South America, they tend to bring more crime and poverty to Mexico than anything else, yet they are only trying to better their own lives, the illegals from South America into Mexico, I mean. That's why Mexico allows their citizens to perform citizens arrests on any suspected illegal, and for illegal immigrants to get up to 2 years prison sentences for crossing into their country illegally. Although the US is racist for doing much less than what Mexico does, and Arizona is a Nazi-State for enforcing the law, or so Mexico says.


Point being that people look out for their own kind, but can still be empathetic to other tribes, but only up to a point.

I'm not into the whole global peace talky tree huggy thing, these people don't want us all to share the pie, they just want more of our pie and that's evident by how they treat those who need THEIR help.


The point there is NOT that if they can do it we can to, point is that we both follow a general rule of helping our own kind, and we'd be foolish to change the way we play as they still play by the old rules, the rules which make some countries great and productive and others miserable failures.





And while I'm on the subject of Mexico and differing social opinions, Jesus, Mexicans/South Americans naming their kids Jesus.


Saints have been crucified UPSIDE DOWN to try an not be like Jesus, yet they outright NAME THEIR KIDS JESUS!

But that's beside the point and don't reply to it.

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