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Why can't we get along?


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yes man cannot be peace becausse man is a process.

but what does the process culminate into ?????????

can you know this ?????

this the most basic test of intelligence. im afraid you dont got it cause you never askerd this to yourself.

you mixing up objectified truth with where you stand.

to really know is joy.

joy and knowing are not diffrent.

that is what einstein say so cheerish the man every life withotu understanding go on.


Do you consider this a rebuttal? Questioning an other's intelligence because they do not agree with you is not an argument. I thought better of you, I'm disappointed.

yes what you doing right now i consider a rebuttal to yourself.

its not to put you down.


if anything you put yourself down.

if you have no joyfull answer to this coming out of your own heart you dont got it.


i mean what is your mind running on? war. war. war.


like this sure poeple are to get along very well.


simply holding up the mirror. nothing personal. everyone is welcome.

no body is invited.


im not talking intellectual out of my butt.


claim your price. :thumbsup:


or let it in the mud. in which case you stil will be in a turmoil. its just the way things are without any coverings.


what could be more healing?

nothing is fixed aorund here. nothing.



we all mirrors in the reflection of light.

again one can say this but to feel is another matter.


so yeah. one must be willing to feel what is there. like i have to feel here im prolly writing to much to no avail. *g* its no problem.


im not doing it out of self gratification. im doing it cause i hate dogma partly. again probably not a good base to go off from and it means there is still stuff to confront.


with that i stay humbly here saying there is no way to navigate around it via some figuring it out. one must let it act. one is not in control before one has not let go of control and now im gonna "follow" that ......or should i say die...... dunno what gonna happen next moment if i go out that room maybe an alien invasion or cheesburger out a wormhole. mmmmmmmmmmmm. probably tho its just an imaginative mind that has nothing to say.



now you can either listen to that mind of yourse and go crazy or you can be that space and something gonna happen in your body if you do it right. after a few black clouds have past methaphorical speaking there gonna be joy that is coming out of you 24/7 regardles of outer circumstance and it will overshower you.


being the fearless type you seem to be from the military coming opposed to the whimp i am it could go quick. in essence it is just confront your deepest fear.


fear goes joy comes in.

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yes what you doing right now i consider a rebuttal to yourself.

its not to put you down.


if anything you put yourself down.

if you have no joyfull answer to this coming out of your own heart you dont got it.


i mean what is your mind running on? war. war. war.


like this sure poeple are to get along very well.


simply holding up the mirror. nothing personal. everyone is welcome.

no body is invited.


im not talking intellectual out of my butt.


claim your price. :thumbsup:


or let it in the mud. in which case you stil will be in a turmoil. its just the way things are without any coverings.


what could be more healing?

nothing is fixed aorund here. nothing.


we all mirrors in the reflection of light.

again one can say this but to feel is another matter.


so yeah. one must be willing to feel what is there. like i have to feel here im prolly writing to much to no avail. *g* its no problem.


hoshi you just prove my point that if you ant of logic u cant be for logic in and of urself if you cant then it just doesnt work and u dont see the truth

dog chases tail but it doesnt find it cuz it not in of itself


the world works in of itself but u cant see that and its for the ways it can that it doesnt

u say to be or not to be but the questn is why and why is in the sky apple pie nicky and i for it is of the fly black cherry pie alone i buy the world of sky by fly guy die bill nye.

if you dont get this den dont reply to my post cuz ur not inlightned and ur dum lol jk not relly but i am right and u cant prove me wrong bcuz u cant undrstand me

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Because humans, by nature are selfish, greedy, lustful, and violent. It is only as a requirement of living within society, or absolute devotion to philosophies which are based on pacifism or renunciation that some of these impulses are controlled. And likewise, the degree to which these things are controlled, mediated, or directed is dictated by that society and/or the philosophies that the person is a part of.


To a normal person, cannibalism is an evil, unthinkable act, but to someone who lives in a culture that promotes cannibalism, it's a sacred and important event.


We don't have peace because nobody can agree specifically to what is and is not allowed to occur in the world, and even in the deciding of what is and is not allowed, personal politics or greedy motivations usually get in the way, which leads to laws that just don't work, or aren't acceptable/enforceable.


I agree with you and want to add this as a little summary.


"When all your judgements are based on your own wisdom, you tend towards selfishness and fail by straying from the right path. "


Yamamoto Tsunetomo














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hahahaha. now you lost it completly. who said i am inlightened? for truth one must die to the unknown. nobody can figure it out with logic. forget logic and trying to control.

gawd. that is exactly the hell im writing about.


this no kindergarden philsophical standpoints being taken here. if you wanna write a book go ahead. this here is to burn it down.


so you better dont try to write a book with it

or you gonna find yourself in huge turmoil.


life wants to be lived. the society in which we live on the other hand is supressed.

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hahahaha. now you lost it completly. who said i am inlightened? for truth one must die to the unknown. nobody can figure it out with logic. forget logic and trying to control.

gawd. that is exactly the hell im writing about.


atleast i know abit the diffrence what it is to be in mind and dirven by that as opposed to not and you are driven.


this jsut making you to stop and look

surely you take offence deep down in you cause itis like a death sentance to you.


this no kindergarden philsophical standpointsbeing taken here. HAHAHAHA.

but if i die to the unknown then the world in and of itself is not for the truth of my soul, if you deny this then you are just too strapped down by logic and fake understanding that the world gives you.

you just keep proving im right over and over i dont no how u dont see that

its like ur saying ur right ur right and im like yeah i know i know and you just keep saying it

you are so blind just read my posts over and over til u get it


if the world is in and of itself for it is in me then how can you say that it isn't?

Is it really that hard for you to see that the world is in and of itself for it is to be and has to be forever and since the beginning of time?

you think you are so smart you can understand and think the world is not and of itself becaue it is and could not be?


how can you come to understand the world with logic? if people only used logic and understanding then antibiotics would never have been created because they were too busy being in and of themself because they were to be.

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"but if i die to the unknown then "


then what? hahahaha.

you cannot know this.


"the world in and of itself is not for the truth of my soul,"


the world is not in and of itself.........there is only soul that is in and of itself.......


soul does not have a sense of me, my, i,


why should it be concerned over an self image?


you have been given a clue. its in your heart.

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"but if i die to the unknown then "


then what? hahahaha.

you cannot know this.


"the world in and of itself is not for the truth of my soul,"


the world is not in and of itself.........there is only soul that is in and of itself.......


and sould does not have a sense of me my i

but you cant prove things with words

you think you can prove everything with words but you cant

you can only prove nothing with words and you do that all the time

i think you need to stop looking at the world as some equation and love

you need to feel the love of the world, the love of the universe

your life is black and cold you try to prove all these things with words but you cant

you must be very sad

i hope i can show you the way

you have to accept that the world is and was of the main reason for it still is and it cant not be you have to see that

but you are blinded by your mind

your mind controls you

you need to become free of that


ur like a robot

i bet you will reply to this message too with your words

words are not the answer they only blind you to the truth


just go outside and look around

no words

only the world



do not reply to this thread again with your words

only see the truth

words are a lie

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Take a walk, both of you.

I don't see why I can't talk about why people don't get along in a thread about why people don't get along.

Hoshi has made it very obvious that it's logic or something, he edits all of his posts extensively after he makes them so I'm not sure what they say now.


I say the problem is words, hoshi uses words but he cannot really know simply through words, just as I cannot really know simply through logic and debate and questions, as he says.



I like the bold yellow text you've got going there, but is there really a rule about talking in haikus? Seems Hoshi has made around 500 posts which are completely incoherent, what's so wrong with me debating him incoherently as he replies to me incoherently and says I'm wrong with riddles?


Who is to judge the importance or relevance of them if they're too cryptic?


I could go over my haikus for you if you would like.

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Take a walk, both of you.

I don't see why I can't talk about why people don't get along in a thread about why people don't get along.

Hoshi has made it very obvious that it's logic or something, he edits all of his posts extensively after he makes them.

I say the problem is words.


I like the bold yellow text you've got going there, but is there really a rule about talking in haikus? If not then who is to judge the importance or relevance of them if they're too cryptic?


I could go over my haiku for you if you would like.

Trust me, you don't want to start a new problem here. Just leave it as it lies and refrain from starting this stuff again. You may be entertained by this, but I am not.

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