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OOO with LRM


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I'm playing with Oscuro's mod version 1.34 and I'm already half way into the game but I feel like the levels are going up way too slow. I believe right now the levels go up about x3 slower than the original so I wanted to make it faster but only slightly. I've tried using the LRM (Level Rates Modified) that comes with OOO and is supposed to be compatible but I'm not noticing any changes in-game after applying it. I copied Level_rates_modified_x2 in my data folder, opened up mod manager, activated it and moved it all the way to the bottom so it loads last. Tested in game with my latest save and it's still the exact same leveling speed as before. when I tested for conflicts it shows some with OOO but in the readme it says that it's normal. I'm not running any other mods. Am I doing anything wrong? Is the LRM just not compatible with the 1.34 version of OOO? If so, what other way can I use to make leveling slightly faster?
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Use Progress, if you are not using Oblivion XP. OOO slows leveling down 3x by default. It does that because you would otherwise probably level to slowly, and rush, missing out on much of the mod's content. Progress comes with multiple templates. You can use the vanilla or stock version, and then globally slow down skill rate progression by 2 or something. 1x would be very fast.



Downloading Mods - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/downloadmods <-- Progress is linked in the second section (requires OBSE)

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Use Progress, if you are not using Oblivion XP. OOO slows leveling down 3x by default. It does that because you would otherwise probably level to slowly, and rush, missing out on much of the mod's content. Progress comes with multiple templates. You can use the vanilla or stock version, and then globally slow down skill rate progression by 2 or something. 1x would be very fast.



Downloading Mods - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/downloadmods <-- Progress is linked in the second section (requires OBSE)



Will OBSE or the progress mod alter any of the OOO features other than leveling speed? I don't want to mess up anything.

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No. It is only a very configurable skill progression modifier. It is recommended by many FCOM and OOO users, and users in general... There is no mod available that replaces it.


Alright I'll check it out, thanks!

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