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Morrigan's Baby


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So at the gates of Denerim, coming up to the final battle, I decided to talk to Morrigan about the night she and my dwarf prince did the nasty (in this case, the context of the "ritual" makes it especially nasty... disturbing, disgusting, and downright creepy.)


Something she said, made me feel really concerned. She says something about how "your life only exist so long as the child in me does"... or something like that, I can't remember the exact words.


But, what is that supposed to mean? Does that mean that, even after the archdemon is destroyed and the devil bast*rd is officially created, the poor Warden would still perish if the demon baby were to die at any given point thereafter? Meaning that the Warden can only continue to live so long as the bast*rd does?


Or does it only apply to the time between when the kid is conceived with the ritual to the time the archdemon is killed, if the baby were to die during that time frame?


Dear, dear, dear, I hope the former isn't true. I hope my Warden will find the demon bast*rd at some point and will be able to slaughter it... and still live. My poor young dwarf is surely tortured every day by the knowledge of what he did just so he could live, and the demon child's existence... :sad:



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I had that convo as well, by accident I might add as I didn't have any intention of speaking to her again. I don't like this ritual thing either and think it's disgusting, creepy etc, especially if you are a female GW. When you think about it the GW character doesn't really have much going for them do they, they go to hell and back and for what, a short life, live with the threat of sudden death, not good enough to be queen unless your of noble birth, please feel free to add to this list if I've forgotten something.


I suppose they only did it for the sake of some future add on.

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How do you even know that the demon kid is going to be evil from the start? People can make their own minds and your kid is certainly no exception. I would like to point out that when you kill the kid, you will die too and Morrigan's statement if took at face value (and it should) would hold true, which means you will die if your kid dies. The kid is going to be a major factor in the next DA game and would be included (BioWare can make the child not special, but if you did the ritual then the child is special).
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hmmm. Very interesting. I can honestly say that I dont know anything about this conversation.

But guessing, since I dont know the entire context, I'd guess that she's talking about fight with the archdemon, and being able to survive it's death.

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IMO, the fact that she approves of the killing of children makes it extremely ironic and rather hypocritical that she actually wants to be a mommy, and it also raises some serious concerns...


D&D alignment, Morrigan would be CE (CN)...Chaotic Evil with Neutral tendencies...

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@Stardusk- That character is entirely too complex, with too many facetts, to judge by D&D alignments. She bounces ALL over the board as far as her personality traits go.

@Lehcar- technically.... she never said that she wants to be a mother. Only that she wants to bare the child. We dont really know what she has in mind for it, beyond it's birth.


Besides... whether she really, really wants to or not.... she's convinced that that is the role that she is have. To have the kid. Something that she believes in enough to give up and sacrifice anything and everything else for.


hmmm.... kinda like the wardens purpose to end the blights...no matter what? definitely different goals, and different perspectives...but same dedication.

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