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Morrigan's Baby


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Can someone explain to me why a grey warden's essence is annhilated by aborbing the archdemon's essence but the baby's is not?


I think a reasonable rationalisation would be that the child's own essence is still moldable since it's conception was such a short while ago.

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Since this is about Morrigan I had to bring this up, recently I've been digging about the OGB and I discovered some things. For starters Mr. Gaider stated that the child would be untainted and the taint would not be transfered to Morrigan as the result of her ritual. Also he said that when a GW has a child with a untainted partner, the child would also be untainted as the result. So the reason why Morrigan did the ritual as most of you know is to transfer a small amount of the taint to the child so that the AD's soul would pass though the child, but the child would remain normal as the result (it would as if the OG hadn't been tainted in the first place). So in the end, all the dark thoughts that Morrigan or the baby becoming the "creature of the dammed" are just made up fantasies of our minds, which is a shame to some but still good news to people who like Morrigan.
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Since this is about Morrigan I had to bring this up, recently I've been digging about the OGB and I discovered some things. For starters Mr. Gaider stated that the child would be untainted and the taint would not be transfered to Morrigan as the result of her ritual. Also he said that when a GW has a child with a untainted partner, the child would also be untainted as the result. So the reason why Morrigan did the ritual as most of you know is to transfer a small amount of the taint to the child so that the AD's soul would pass though the child, but the child would remain normal as the result (it would as if the OG hadn't been tainted in the first place). So in the end, all the dark thoughts that Morrigan or the baby becoming the "creature of the dammed" are just made up fantasies of our minds, which is a shame to some but still good news to people who like Morrigan.


But still kind of dark if Alistair ends up shagging his half-sister.... :tongue:

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So what kind of creature is this male without a father going to become? Me confused :mellow:


And yer I've wondered about that as well, is it going to be a boy or a girl?


And going back to my original question, does the Warden's continued existence depend on its life forever or something?


Oh well, I still think Morrigan is a dirty bog-hooker and i dun like her. :dry:

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To answer all these questions is like looking into a crystal ball, but here is goes...


1. The child will be human and normal (not evil, ugly or 'creature of the dammed'). Check with Mr. Gaider if you are not sure.


2. Mostly likely a girl but that no one outside BW is sure of.


3. The child and Warden will be connected but that is just a wait and see approach.


4. You monster how could you :tongue:

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Since this is about Morrigan I had to bring this up, recently I've been digging about the OGB and I discovered some things. For starters Mr. Gaider stated that the child would be untainted and the taint would not be transfered to Morrigan as the result of her ritual. Also he said that when a GW has a child with a untainted partner, the child would also be untainted as the result. So the reason why Morrigan did the ritual as most of you know is to transfer a small amount of the taint to the child so that the AD's soul would pass though the child, but the child would remain normal as the result (it would as if the OG hadn't been tainted in the first place). So in the end, all the dark thoughts that Morrigan or the baby becoming the "creature of the dammed" are just made up fantasies of our minds, which is a shame to some but still good news to people who like Morrigan.


But still kind of dark if Alistair ends up shagging his half-sister.... :tongue:


True but what's the point calling it a 'dark fantasy' if there is no dark stuff in it.

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I would like to interject that when I went to speak to flemeth the second time, she was tellign me [ im goign to condense the asumption [ correct word?] that Morrigan had attempted the murder of her other times too. I mean truly It is Flemeth that saved the wardens life. We only have it from Morrigan that Flemeth was the " evil one"> Now I liked Morrigan, and thoguht of her kinda like a spirited sister, BUT, to play devil's advocate, what if it turns out like that movie the Key ? where the nurse's aid discovers WAY to late that her " old patient" is actually the young soul taken from the young man, and the old " soul" traded bodies.

Truly it may take a lot for granted, but perhaps there is more to this coniving web than any know. Mb morrigan is actually " flemeth" so to speak. I doubt that , but st ill its intriguing. As for baby's sex.... as in real life it is determined by the male's donation.... ummm Maric had 2 boys.... I think its most likely a boy , but prefer a girl of course.. hehe. But its up to the fellas Y gene donation!

As for how it could be atttractedto such a miniscule particle of dark taint.... I guess i have to reach for the old stick, that Morrigan did many preperations before the final battle, perhaps this is why she refused to sleep with her Warden until the eve of the battle and not a love insecurity at all?

Mb there is more magic involved in that ritual that the sex [ even historically sex magic was considered VERY powerful] than just the coupling, but lay somewhere on the floor of the cuttign room floor so to speak.

I hope that that baby's father and my GW [ in my case i play mainly females ] get to leave together in search of the child, and that is the reason they leave the GW at the end of awakening,

Forgive the horrible typing! anyways good debate!

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True on many parts but there are several parts missing...


1. Kate Mulgrew (Flemeth's Voice Actor) is confirmed to return in DA2. Now that means that Morrigan will not be controlled by Flemeth (unless Claudia Black has a full schedule and BW will be force to make a replacement, which is highly unlikely considering that the story of DA is already planned but you'll never know) but we don't know what BW's plans are with Flemeth. (Hate the silent treatment that we are getting)


2. We don't know who's Morrigan's father, it was never proven to be Maric (even though there is plenty of evidence that says otherwise)


3. The child's gender is still unknown. Nothing is given to us except that it will be normal (At this point lets call the child with a unisex name to deal with both genders, like Chris or Sam)


4. Originally the DR was suppose to be more 'magical' and emotional in the sense but due to timing issues many of these things were left on the cutting room floor, which is a shame but builds up to DA2 (I hope).


5. Awakening was suppose to be the story of the Orlesian Grey Warden and The Warden was added as a last minute for people to transfer. Hence why you don't save after the battle.


6. There is no need to forgive yourself. You have done nothing wrong mate.


I think I'll stay with point form to express my points for now on.

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