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Morrigan's Baby


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It's cannon, straight from David Gaider. The child of an Elf and a Human is Human. Fiona talks about it in The Calling.


dude i have a question the DA writer said that The child of an Elf and a Human is Human. which pertains to allister right? what about zevran isn't zev's mother a dalish elf and he's father a human wood cutter at least that's how i remember it in the dialogue . so how come he is an elf? I'm just curious.


I just had this conversation with Zevran in the game, and he says his mother had fallen for an elven woodcutter.

yes , i missed :turned: :blush: that one.

I misheard him saying the word " elven " on the dialogue about the dalish o_O my bad sry


back on topic : I do believe it was flemeth plans to posses this child else why would she send morrigan w/ the wardens. if not to impregnate and raise the child and posses later on. Just may be Morrigan plans to do the same? since she now knows the secret of her mother. from Flemeth's Real Grimoire ... hmm

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Morrigan menttions that Flemmeth is not dead, but in another form, and if need be will kill her again and again in whatever form Flemeth has. I think the premise the baby was for Flemeth initially was corrrect, but if Flemeth was truly dead, then why go through the Ritual? I think the baby will serve as a protector from Flemeth or any other demon in the future.
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that could be another possibility.... or


I think Morrigan knew that flemeth cannot be killed and that her spirit would still live and posses another body and eventually will come for her soon enough. so may be she will be using this child as a bargaining chip or perhaps as bait?for her to be able to kill flemeth again or make amends? :rolleyes:


may be she expect the gray warden to come after her....remember the ring from the epilogue it is said that it has a connection between the two. who knows may be she plans on making more baby morrigans in a little swamp somewhere in thedas with the warden. :teehee:

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I don't think the baby will be possessed by Morrigan or Flemeth. Assuming they have enough power to "overcome" the soul of the Old God and possess the body, there'd be little point in it, since ultimately they will be gaining the BODY and not the soul, which is (most likely) human and grants them no power. Using the child as a weapon is probable.


Again, my speculation is that the Old God child, being conceived by a Warden and bearing the "inherited" taint will become a human-archdemon Disciple, in a sense. The soul of an Old God carrying the Grey Warden taint, if powers are tied to one's soul/spirit and not the physical body (or maybe a little of both) then you now have an Old God who is the child of the Grey Warden and immune to the taint (at least, it can no longer be tainted by darkspawn...) It is possible that the child may be able to control the darkspawn using the Calling, so in the end Flemeth/Morrigan's plan may involve using that to A) command the darkspawn to destroy each other or B) gain a darkspawn army. I highly suspect it's the latter option, since Morrigan did guaruntee that the child would not be used "against Ferelden", unless she intends to attack elsewhere, that is. Or possibly use the child to hunt down the Old Gods/breach the Black City?

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I1ve been thinking about this topic myself, and all in all I agree with CrapsterZ's view. Morrigan herself says something about the child bearing the untainted spirit of an Old God.


At the same time I tend to be real careful to go through the ritual myself (no immaculate conception here) instead of having Alistair do it. A child of Morrigans who is not only and Old God, but also a (male without a father) heir to Ferelden's throne? No way, Jose!

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2. Take into mind that this is also the soul of an Old God we're talking about. It would take incredible amounts of power to destroy it without losing yout own soul in the process.

One would think so, yes. I think this is kinda where BW screwed up, as the soul of any warden nearby, can kill it.


While I most definitely DONT discount some of the things mentioned already, I also wanna throw a new thought into the mix.

Morrigan knows that Flemeth will be back. Thats a given. But what if Flemeth can't possess her while she's pregnant? The fact that there are two souls that are TECHNICALLY inhabiting the same body? (mother and child in symbiosis, where the child's body is connected to the mother's, and being sustained, by the mother).

So what if part of the reason why she wants to have the kid is to have a delaying tactic to forstall an Attempt from Flemeth for 9 months, in the hopes that she can devise a way to destroy her permanently?

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Well, that's my point. So far the only way to destroy an Old God's soul is for yours to be destroyed as well in process, I doubt that Flemeth would be able to destroy without destroying her own soul if she even managed it.


Besides, it wouldn't grant her any additional powers, so it'd be pointless anyway, unless Flemeth somehow is able to combine the Old God's soul to her own, but that might become highly unstable, since she'd now have demon-Old God-Flemeth soul which would possibly be highly dangerous even to herself.


It could be that with the Old God's soul now in her womb she could tap into its power and produce some sort of counter against Flemeth or perhaps seek her out and destroy her permanently? Or at least, trick her into possessing Morrigan and then using the Old God's soul to overwhelm Flemeth and cause her ritual to backfire against herself.

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See... its the things that Mora says when she's throwing the proposal about the ritual, that don't add up for me. "the taint will draw the arch demon to the child like a beacon". Hrm. This thing is so infintisimal that you could balance it on the head of a needle (syringe needle, not a sewing needle), and it's supposed to draw the demon away from a much larger, more potent source like me?

Uh uh, I'm not buying that. There's gotta be more to that ritual and more magic involved, for that to happen.

Thats just one example of what I mean. She definitely leaves some info out, and misleads on some other things involved. I'd say that this is the only point in the game where she outright lies. Either by misleading, omission, and/or well.... lying.


Ouch. Yeah, Flemeth already has enough lifetimes rattling around in that nutty skull of hers. I dont think that the memories of both an Old God, and a demon would play well inside her psyche.


Morrigan just doesnt strike me as the type that would set herself up as bait. I think she'd either try to sneak up on Flemeth and try to catch her unawares (how would you do that to a precog?) Or just outright attack her openly. her comments about going after the AD or Loghain in Lothering suggest that she's a much more direct, confrontationlist than using herself as bait.


I'm still not ruling out the possibility of ritual death for the kid as part of the intention. MANY old schools of magic believe that the power of a soul is greatly magnified at the time of death of the body. At the moment that it's released from it's "cage" or "shell". And there are many beliefs that that power can be captured and used during the ritual.

Now what the intent of that rit would be.... is obviously open to discussion.



Tho honestly, I dont really see Flemeth as so much of a "bad guy". I mean, obviously... she's got her own motives and agenda. But.... so far.... in the greater scheme of things, she's been acting as a beneficial force, rather than a malevelant one.

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So do we really know, at the time of the ritual, if Morrigan is still Morrigan? Could it possible that Flemeth has already possessed her (either by the act of the warden killing her or not killing her) and she (Flemeth) is the one actually controlling things and running the show at that point? :unsure:
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These are all good points. Has anyone recently played the part of the ritual with TerraEx's dialogue patch installed? I am on a character now to reach that point, but will take me a while. I wonder if there is dialogue restored there that might shed some light on the nature of the baby and the Ritual itself.
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