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What is your opinion of the Chantry...


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I find them to be a bit judgemental; but I suppose they feel they have a job to do. Unfortunately they seem to see everything as black and white with no shades of grey (or is it gray, I always get that particular spelling mixed up). However, I tend not to be a prejudiced person, and I try to look at each individual rather than the group as a whole. I have encountered some members of the Chantry who were more open minded than others. I'm not sure if that answers your question. But it was the best that I could do. Hope it helped.
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My personal opinion: It is a well executed game feature that covers the depth of feeling and characterization that such an organization would be expected to have. It's a good character background and development tool.


Human Noble PC's opinion: Respectful - The chantry is as much a part of life as eating and sleeping; it's part of what we are.


Mage PC's opinion: Very resentful - Those intrusive meddlesome bastards! If not for the wardens I would be a libertarian.


City Elf PC's opinion: Ok then, whatever - Sin, tithe, pray for forgiveness; repeat ad nausem. As Zeveran so eloquently put it, "The Maker has never told me he minded, why does it bother you?"


Dalish Elf PC's opinion: Humorously disrespectful to apathetic - "A chanter says what?"


I don't play dwarves but if I did they would most likely have an opinion much like the Dalish.

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My personal opinion: It is a well executed game feature that covers the depth of feeling and characterization that such an organization would be expected to have. It's a good character background and development tool.


Human Noble PC's opinion: Respectful - The chantry is as much a part of life as eating and sleeping; it's part of what we are.


Mage PC's opinion: Very resentful - Those intrusive meddlesome bastards! If not for the wardens I would be a libertarian.


City Elf PC's opinion: Ok then, whatever - Sin, tithe, pray for forgiveness; repeat ad nausem. As Zeveran so eloquently put it, "The Maker has never told me he minded, why does it bother you?"


Dalish Elf PC's opinion: Humorously disrespectful to apathetic - "A chanter says what?"


I don't play dwarves but if I did they would most likely have an opinion much like the Dalish.


I can't stand the Chantry...authoritarian, self-righteous, revering mythic cult figures who may or may have not been legitimate...along with a story of 'The Fall'...hmm, what does that remind me of?

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Dalish Elf PC's opinion: Humorously disrespectful to apathetic - "A chanter says what?"


LOL I pull that one on him every single time I playthrough. Absolutely love that little quip, even tho its kinda silly.


Well, personally, my main issue with them is the same ones that I have with most organized religions. And I really hate being preached at constantly! Especially over what is CLEARLY a fictional religion.

Aside from that, I have two MAIN issues with them. 1) Where do they get off having control over the lyrium trade?

2) This whole bit of emotionally lobotomizing (made tranquil) people. WTF do they get the right to do THAT???


I think that they in a large way, represent the catholic church, during some of it's darker grey periods.


Tho tbh, while yeah... I have a big dislike for the chantry, its nothing compared to the issue I have with the notion of the Magehunter TEMPLARS. And a few of those fellas there at the tower, I wish I could kick off a bridge.

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For me personally I would be interested to see the Tevinter chantry as they are much more open minded about magic. It would be so much fun to be a powerful mage in the Tevinter Imperium. I can just imagine an unlimited supply of slaves to quench my thirst for powerful blood magic, and a grand palace for me to enjoy its pleasures.
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Dalish Elf PC's opinion: Humorously disrespectful to apathetic - "A chanter says what?"


LOL I pull that one on him every single time I playthrough. Absolutely love that little quip, even tho its kinda silly.


Well, personally, my main issue with them is the same ones that I have with most organized religions. And I really hate being preached at constantly! Especially over what is CLEARLY a fictional religion.

Aside from that, I have two MAIN issues with them. 1) Where do they get off having control over the lyrium trade?

2) This whole bit of emotionally lobotomizing (made tranquil) people. WTF do they get the right to do THAT???


I think that they in a large way, represent the catholic church, during some of it's darker grey periods.


Tho tbh, while yeah... I have a big dislike for the chantry, its nothing compared to the issue I have with the notion of the Magehunter TEMPLARS. And a few of those fellas there at the tower, I wish I could kick off a bridge.


Yes, they seem to be a mirror image...

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Very well done.


On the plus side, they really do seem to provide comfort for the poor, charity, a place for the lost to hide and heal. They organize the community and offer small rewards to get people to help one another. All the good things you'd ask for from the church.


On the minus side, they are political and turn to the powerful for favor and support (see The Stolen Throne). They've turned a genuine, valid fear of demons and blood magic into opression and abuse of those born with magic, and they don't treat their own Templars that much better (using drug addiction to keep them in line). They still demand that Mages born today pay for the crimes of the Tevinter Imperium. They betrayed the Elves, destroying their second homeland and purging the actions of Andraste's Elven supporters from the chant. In several endings, they try to organize an attack on Orzamar as a power grab.


They can find justifications for their power grabs, but so can any power hungry organization.


So, they're complex. The people need them, and they do good works. Their Templars help provide protection against Demons and Apostates. They're also political, power hungry, and as prone to cruelty and abuse of power as anyone else. Much more interesting than a simple Good or Evil church.

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The Chantry to me is like the Medieval Catholic church and I like that the game has it as I believe it makes things seem more real and genuine. We all know if magic was around there would be a 'chantry' that would try to control things and preach the dangers of the Fade, etc. etc.


For me personally I would be interested to see the Tevinter chantry as they are much more open minded about magic. It would be so much fun to be a powerful mage in the Tevinter Imperium. I can just imagine an unlimited supply of slaves to quench my thirst for powerful blood magic, and a grand palace for me to enjoy its pleasures.

I would love to see that explored more with an EP or in the next game for sure!!

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